
JAKARTA People must be more critical in choosing figures who will contest the 2024 General Election, especially in the presidential election. Choose a leader who has clear concrete ideas and track records. Able to manage the government correctly and according to the constitution.

Also, visionary leaders who are able to anticipate not only domestic developments, but also international issues, such as geopoliticals and global economic changes. Because, it is undeniable, the current world conditions are in uncertainty. Economic, energy, and food crises continue to threaten.

If the leader does not have a clear vision to make Indonesia a developed country, then the nation will suffer.

"Don't let the people get caught up with rhetoric and promises. Therefore, the people must be smart in choosing a leader. Look at their achievements, abilities, integrity, and communication to the public," said Antonius Benny Susetyo, a political communication expert from Sahid University, Jakarta in a statement received by VOI on May 15, 2023.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) during the People's Consultative Assembly (Musra) at Istora Senayan on May 14, 2023, reminded the people to be selective in choosing leaders.

Indonesia is a large nation with a population of around 288 million people. The fourth largest is in the world. Also, a country rich in natural resources. Not only mines and mineral materials, but also marine, agricultural, and plantation wealth.

Another advantage, Indonesia also gets a demographic bonus, when the number of people of productive age is more in the next 13 years. According to Jokowi, experts believe this is a great opportunity for Indonesia to become a developed country.

Thus, the next leader must understand how to advance Indonesia by taking advantage of available opportunities and resources.

"Once we are wrong, choosing the right leader for the next 13 years, the opportunity to become a developed country disappears. Be careful about this," said Jokowi.

The opportunity did not appear twice in the history of state civilization. In Latin America in the 50s, 60s and 70s they were already in the position of developing middle income countries. But for 50 years they have remained a developing country. For what reason? Because you couldn't take advantage of the opportunity at that time. And chasing it again, there is no longer any chance," Jokowi continued.

No doubt, it has become an absolute requirement, Indonesian leaders must be the right figure. Close to the people, understanding the hearts of the people, and willing to work hard for the people.

"It's not just a routine, just sitting in a palace and signing. You have to know how to build a country's strategy, a political strategy. Because we are dealing with other countries, competing with other countries. People need leaders who understand, who understand how to advance this country," said Jokowi.

In addition, of course it takes courage. Without courage, Indonesia will not be able to downstream the industry.

"Right now, we have only been sued by the European Union, just one business. Nickel, is being sued. Even though our mineral materials are not just nickel. There are nickel, copper, tin, coal, bauxite. Do we want to stop because it is being sued by the European Union? Not yet, marine resources, plantation commodities, and plantations are also not just one. There is coffee, cocoa and a lot of it that can still be our potential and strength, "explained Jokowi.

If the leader doesn't dare to withdraw, he will definitely ask for forgiveness. The defendant immediately asked for forgiveness. So don't dream that this country will become a developed country. I will leave it to the next leader, don't be afraid to be sued by any country. If sued, look for a lawyer, look for the best lawyer so that our lawsuit wins," Jokowi gave a message.

In addition to these criteria, things that are no less important, according to Benny, leaders must also be able to embrace all groups. Maintain unity and integrity in diversity. This is the foundation in making Indonesia a big country.

Benny said, it was time for the politics of civilization to become an idea.

Quoting the statement of the late Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra MA CBE, Professor of Islamic Culture History of the Postgraduate School of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, political solidity related to politeness, politeness, and subtlety.

Related to culture of nationality, culture based on equality, mutual respect, mutual respect. Everything becomes an adaptation and subtlety in dealing with differences.

Today, various forms of political arbitrariness meet public spaces, such as minimal ethics, undemocratic behavior, to arrogance among political elites.

Look at the behavior of political elites who attack each other and sindir, then public blasphemy is related to politics on social media. This is not a reflection of the identity of the Indonesian people.

Another example can also be seen from the formation of a coalition. According to Benny, this is normal and allowed. However, the impression that was created was only about power.

That is why, Benny asked political parties to create civil politics and become commanders in implementing Pancasila values. However, politics must have two dimensions, a human and divine dimension. That way, power can be a forum for the welfare of the Indonesian people in its entirety, not a forum to enrich themselves or certain groups.

The Indonesian people must reaffirm to political parties and political elites, what is the meaning of politics and power. Politics is a means to become a public servant, fight for the interests of the universe's struggle, and build Indonesia into a developed and prosperous country," added Benny who also serves as special staff of the Steering Committee for the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP).

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