Mangkrak Jadi Alasan Kejari Dalami Korupsi Proyek Sumur Irigasi Lombok Timur Telan Anggaran Rp1,13 Miliar
NTB - The East Lombok District Attorney (Kejari) conveyed the basis for investigating corruption in the drilling well project for agricultural irrigation in East Lombok Regency for the 2017 fiscal year.
The project allegedly corrupted cost the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendra PDTT) Rp1.13 billion.
"So, on the basis of our investigation, seeing that the project from the ministry cannot be used by the community, it is arguably stalled," said Head of the East Lombok Kejari Efi Laila Kholis in Mataram, NTB, Monday, November 20, as reported by Antara.
However, he said, to state this, his party must strengthen it with evidence.
In addition to extracting from the testimony of witnesses, investigators strengthened the evidence through collecting documents and listening to expert opinions.
"So, the case does not immediately become. We will strengthen the evidence by scheduling a series of investigations," he said.
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In a series of investigations, Efi said that dozens of witnesses had undergone examination. This is said to be ongoing.
In addition to witnesses, investigators are waiting for the results of coordination with the East Lombok Inspectorate to ensure potential state losses.
Kejari Lombok Timur menetapkan status perkara ini ke tahap penyidikan pada 10 November 2023 berdasarkan hasil gelar perkara yang melihat temuan pada tahap penyelidikan. Hasil penyelidikan ditemukan perbuatan pidana yang mengarah pada tindak pidana korupsi.
The drilling well project, which is suspected of having problems with its construction work, is in Tejong Daya Hamlet, Kengga Village, Suela District, East Lombok Regency. The construction was budgeted for in 2017.
The development budget of IDR 1.13 billion, he said, came from the Directorate of Development of Certain Regions at the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia.
From ministry data, the implementer of this project is a company based in Mataram City, CV SAMAS. The company emerged as the winner of the auction with an offering value of IDR 1.13 billion from a ceiling of IDR 1.24 billion.