Indonesian Air Force Forms Investigation Team For The Fall Of 2 Super Tucano Fighter Aircraft

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Air Force formed an investigative team to investigate the crash of two EMB-314 Super Tucano fighter aircraft in Pasuruan, East Java (East Java). The accident during flight practice formation left 4 people dead.Head of the Indonesian Air Force Information Service (Kadispenau) First Marshal of the Indonesian Armed Forces R. Agung Sasongkojati explained that the team was formed by the Airworthiness and Safety Center for Air and Work (Puslaiklambangja) of the Indonesian Air Force."Puslaiklambangja TNI AU will conduct an investigation by looking at factors known as 5 M, namely man (awak), machine (machine), medium, mission (mission), and management (management) as a whole to the causes of the crash of the two aircraft," said Kadispenau in its official broadcast, Friday, November 17, which was confiscated by Antara.He continued, the investigation team also directly examined the condition of the plane at the crash site and the surrounding area, then re-checked the weather conditions at the time of the incident, and checked all personnel involved in the flight."Especially flight data recorder aircraft that recorded flight data, engine data, flight communication data, and flight video until the last second is functioning. Hopefully the investigation will run smoothly so that we can all prevent the same thing from happening again," said Agung.Kadispenau, during a press conference at Pangkalan Abdulrachman Saleh, East Java, Thursday, November 16, appealed to people who find pieces of the fuselage or fuselage around the crash site not to take, store, or move it because it is necessary for the investigation team.Two EMB-314 Super Tucano fighter aircraft crashed in the Watugede area, Pasuruan, East Java, Thursday after losing contact (lost contact) at 11.18 WIB.The two planes took off from Abdulrachman Saleh Air Base at 10.51 WIB to undergo a series of formation training procedures with the ABD &nash; Area - ABD (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Med-Low) route. In the exercise, there were four aircraft involved, all of which took off from Abdulrachman Saleh Air Base.However, two planes each with registration numbers TT-3111 and TT-3103 lost contact, and soon the Indonesian Air Force received reports that both of them crashed in two different locations."The two planes crashed in different places, one in the north and the other slightly south. However, both of them are in the north of the mountainous region," said Agung.Lt. Col. Pnb Sandhra “Chevron ” Gunawan (Air Squadron 21 Commander) was then in charge of flying the plane with registration number TT-3111, and on the passenger seat there was Colonel Adm Widiono Hadiwijaya (Head of the Abdulrachman Saleh Air Base Personnel Service). Then, the plane with registration number TT-3103 was flown by Major Pnb Yuda A. Seta (Head of the Abdulrachman Saleh Air Base Operations Room) and on the passenger seat was Colonel Pnb Subhan (Danwing Air Base 2 Abdulrachman Saleh).
All the crew of the passengers died on duty, and their bodies were found on Thursday, November 16.The funeral procession for Indonesian Air Force soldiers took place today, November 17. The soldiers, who received promotions to one level (anumerta), were buried in Malang and Madiun.Three soldiers who were buried at TMP Suropati, Malang, East Java, Friday, were the First Marshal of the TNI (posthumous) Subhan, First Marshal of the TNI (posthumous) Widiono Hadiwijaya and Aviation Colonel (posthumous) Sandhra Gunawan.Meanwhile, Lt. Col. Pnb (posthumous) Yuda A. Seta was buried at TMP Madiun, East Java, Friday, November 17.