Yoga Movement For Insomnia Sufferers: Do Some Of These Movements If You Want To Sleep Well

YOGYAKARTA - Too often experiencing sleep loss can be indicated that you are exposed to insomnia, definitely due to insomnia will affect your activities the next day. It seems that you need a yoga movement for insomnia sufferers!

But there is no need to be afraid anymore, because now you can overcome it with yoga movements for insomnia. Currently there is a yoga movement intended for people who can't sleep. The yoga movement for insomnia plays a role in calming the body and mind.

The yoga movement will help to be more focused, calmer, more relaxed and the mind does not run away everywhere, just focus on sleeping. So, before going to bed you can carry out the yoga movement first so you can't get enough to sleep.

Yoga can be done on the mat or on the bed. It would be nice if the room was in a dim state so that it would continue to be calm and relaxed. yoga movements can be tried repeatedly in the following days before bed so that you get used to it and easily sleep by relaxing your mind and body. Here are some yoga movements for insomnia sufferers.

1. Forward Fold

Forwardfolds can increase blood supply to the brain and relieve body tensions more in the spine, back, calf, hips, and neck. When the body feels calmer, you can sleep well.

Live the movement standing upright with open legs as wide as your hips, then position yourself to bend forward until your head sticks to your knees. After that, place your hand holding your elbow and slowly straighten your body and hold it for 30-60 seconds.

2. Child Pose

This movement can stretch the thighs, hips, and ankles. Not only that, holding this movement regularly can also calm the mind and reduce the stress of the mind.

To carry out this movement, position your legs down with your thumbs and feet in touch with each other. After that put the body between the thighs while stretching the right forward. Hold your breath for at least 10 breaths or 60 seconds.

3. Puppy Pose

Puppy poses can stretch the shoulders, spine, and upper back. This will also help relieve the stress of mind and body tension.

Position a crawling body and move your hands straight forward and avoid elbows from the mattress. After that, face your head to the mat slowly and hold it for 30-60 seconds

4. Supply Twist

This movement can generally reduce back pain, body tension, to help detoxification and blood pressure on the body. To carry out this movement, first lay the body on the mat and pull the knee to the chest and then position your knees to the right side and both hands as high as the right and left side of the shoulder.

If needed, you can raise the cushion so that your shoulders always press the mattress. After that, hold for 5 breaths or approximately 30 seconds and change the knee to the other side.

5. Legs Up the Wall Pose

This pose can help relieve headaches and calm the mind so that the quality of sleep becomes better. To carry out this movement, you need to move the mattress to the wall area.

Simplify your body and position your feet straight against the wall and range your hands to the right and left sides. Create a safer position, you can add a blanket or pillow under your back. After that, hold this position for 10-15 minutes.

Like that, yoga movements that can help you overcome insomnia. By carrying it out regularly, then you can increase sleep quality and be free from insomnia.

So after knowing the yoga movement for insomnia sufferers, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!