Very Tired After Having Sex, Here Are 5 Causes
YOGYAKARTA The energy level has decreased drastically after sex, not without reason. If a generalization sketch is described that men generally fall asleep happily after reaching climax, while women are awake and staring at the ceiling of the room. Of course, this has many influencing factors. Especially about how fatigue, the release of the happy hormone, and the choice to sleep or pillow talk with your partner before going to bed. However, when you feel very tired after having sex, this is the cause according to experts.
Hormones are released from the brain during and immediately after having sex. This determines how energetic or not after performing these intimate acts. According to certified sex therapist Sari Cooper, LSCW., during sexual intercourse the brain releases oxytocin or known as hormon love which plays a role in reducing cortisol or hormon stress. So, why does relaxing encourage you and your partner to fall asleep after making love, for this reason.
Everyone produces prolactin, vasopressin, serotonin, nitric oxide, and endorphins during orgasm. Obviously Cooper, vasopressin affects memory, concentration, even aggression so that you and your partner feel bound as a sexual partner. Serotonin and endorphin are hormones that improve mood. Nitric oxides increase blood flow to the genitals and increase the sensation that supports orgasm. While prolactin, release after orgasm to help reduce desire and help you feel satisfied and improve the state of relaxation.
Prolacticin is produced at different times for each person. Depending on whether or not you have an orgasm or not, are pregnant, or whether you are breastfeeding. Because prolactin levels affect sexual satisfaction, it leads to the release of hormones that affect energy. The effect, if there is an 'oscence gap' one person will feel tired and the other is less likely to release a relaxing prolactin hormone.
In addition to being caused by the body's natural biological reactions, fatigue after sex is also influenced by conditions before having sex. If you or your partner are already feeling tired before making love, it is likely that this intimate activity will make you feel more tired.
There are so many variations in sex poses that are carried out to achieve sexual pleasure and satisfaction. The physical impact of sex can also affect the level of energy after sex. Obviously Cooper, sexual activity such as exercise and stamina is challenged so that some people after this activity will be ready to sleep.
The relationship situation also affects how alert or tired you are after sex. For example, if someone worries that they are having sexual intercourse to create deeper emotional ties, then they experience a high vulnerability. Obviously Cooper is reported by Well+Good, Wednesday, November 8, if an emotional relationship is invisible or in retaliation, then sleep may be one way to deal with their disappointment.
Stella Harris, coach of intimacy and writer of Tongue Tied: Untangling Communication in Sex, Kink, and Relationship suggests, it is important for every couple to accept whatever the body needs after sex. If you need sleep, then it's good to do it but communicate well with your partner.
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In principle, it is natural that the body is exhausted after having sex unless it is followed by certain symptoms related to Post Coital Dysphoria (CCD) which may feel deep sadness after sexual experience with their partner. There is also a rare condition called Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS) which causes fatigue, foggy, flu-like symptoms that last for five days after orgasm or sexual intercourse. Under these conditions, it is important to consult health services or mental health services.