Oil And Gas Lifting Continues To Drop, Take A Peek At 3 Basic Things In Oil Exploration

JAKARTA - The realization of Indonesian oil lifting continues to decline towards the end of 2023. Indonesia's oil production as of November 1, 2023 has only reached 586,725 barrels of oil per day (bopd).

The government is targeting production in 2023 at 622,662 BOPD. Regarding the continued decline in Indonesia's oil production, oil and gas practitioner Hadi Ismoyo expressed his concern about the downward trend of lifting.

As a practitioner, he also conveyed a number of basic and basic things in oil production upstream of oil and gas.

"Actually, if we look at the three main things that we do in our production exploration, 1 is exploration, the second is EOR or Enhanced Oil Recovery, the third is the existing Production with Low Declaration Management," he said in Energy Corner quoted Wednesday, November 8.

He added, as many as 60 to 70 percent of Indonesia's oil and gas fields have entered the marture category or are old, so their productivity is decreasing.

He also agreed with the statement of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif who mentioned that there was a lot of water in the oil taken from the well.

"It is true what the Minister said that 90 percent of the water cut and a lot of production decreased," continued Hadi.

However, he said, exploration and EOR still need to be improved to continue to increase the trend of lifting which has recently continued to decline. The government is also considered to need to provide roadmaps related to exploration and EOR because until now both of them have not been carried out optimally.

"EOR is very slow in its development even though it can contribute 200-300 thousand BOPDs for the next 5 years. Meanwhile, exploration if we can find new fields, produce PODs, can increase significantly. It seems that exploration has not received serious attention from the government," concluded Hadi.

Previously, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif opened his voice regarding the declining oil lifting.

Arifin said this decline was due to many Indonesian oil wells that had entered old age, so they tended to experience a decline in production.

"Indeed, our wells are having a hard time getting old, tend to decline. Oil is getting deeper and the mixture with water is increasing," Arifin told the media at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Building, Friday, November 3.

Arifin said, if at first it was pumped 10 liters, it consisted of 1 liter of water and 9 liters of oil, while when 5 liters of 10 liters were pumped it was water.

"That's why we pumped a lot so that the volume of oil is as much as possible," added Arifin.

He said, RI currently still has 15,000 oil wells that have not been managed and have abundant oil potential.