Entering The Rainy Season, The DKI Provincial Government Claims Consistent In Anticipating The Impact Of Floods

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Water Resources Service (SDA) claims to continue to make various efforts to anticipate the impact of the rainy season consistently.

Acting Secretary of the DKI Jakarta Natural Resources Service, Hendri explained, efforts to control the impact of flooding carried out include optimizing the operation of flood control facilities and infrastructure.

In addition, the handling of tidal flooding was also carried out through the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD). Then dredging the reservoir/situ/embung, rivers/rivers and canals. Then, maintaining facilities and infrastructure. Also, mapping floods and inundation.

"According to the direction of the Acting Governor Heru, we at the Natural Resources Office consistently take various efforts to anticipate the impact of the rainy season and strengthen synergies with various parties," said Hendri in his statement, Tuesday, November 7.

In dredging the reservoir/situ/embung, rivers/rivers and canals, Hendri said the Natural Resources Service in each region deployed more heavy equipment. Thus, dredging of mud and garbage sediment can be done quickly and optimally.

In addition, facilities and infrastructure are also on alert and in order to operate properly to anticipate flooding.

Based on data per day, there are 578 stationary pumps in 202 locations, 251 heavy equipment, 4,189 blue troops, 539 mobile pumps, and 845 floodgates in 589 locations.

"However, the role and cooperation of residents to be disciplined in disposing of waste in its place, as well as maintaining environmental cleanliness is also very much needed to prevent inundation during the rainy season," he said.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts that the start of the 2023/2024 rainy season will show that the rainy season is expected to start from November to December 2023, with a peak of 385 zones in January and February 2024.

As a recommendation to face the 2023/2024 Rainy Season, BMKG urges local governments, related agencies, and the public to be more prepared and anticipatory towards possible hydrometeorological disasters.

Chairman of Commission D of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Ida Mahampang, reminded the DKI Provincial Government to prepare for the rainy season from now on.

Ida reminded the BMKG's prediction regarding extreme weather in the form of heavy rains that could potentially come suddenly at the transition of the dry season to the rainy season.

Ida asked the DKI Provincial Government to anticipate the impact of heavy rains ahead of entering the rainy season, namely draining reservoirs, reservoirs and waterways connected to 13 rivers in Jakarta.

"The drain is done so that the waterways, reservoirs and reservoirs in Jakarta can accommodate more water than the heavy rainfall that will occur some time in the future," Ida told reporters.