Papuan Police Chief Hopes KKB Frees Susi Air Pilots As Christmas Gifts

Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri hopes that the armed criminal group will immediately release New Zealand national SusiAir pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens who has been held hostage since February 7, 2023.

"I hope that the KKB will immediately release the hostages and it will be given as a Christmas gift," said the Papuan Police Chief after leading the handover of the positions of Deputy Chief of Police and Irwasda at the Papua Police Headquarters in Koya Koso, Jayapura City, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, November 6.

The Regional Police Chief said that his party was still handing over pilot release efforts to the parties, namely the Nduga Regency Government, community leaders and religious leaders by negotiating so that Susi Air's pilot release would be realized immediately.

"Various negotiating efforts are being made to free the hostages and hope to be released soon," he said.

From the information received, pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens is still with the KKB led by Egianus Kogoya.

"Indeed, from the reports received, Philip's pilot, who has been held hostage for nine months, is in good health," said the Kapolda.

"Hopefully pilot Philip, who was held hostage shortly after landing his plane at Paro airport, Nduga Regency, can be released soon," continued Inspector General Fakhiri.

When confirmed regarding the security situation in the Nduga Regency area, the Papua Police Chief said that currently the situation is relatively safe and under control.

"Security forces continue to strive to provide a sense of security to the people in the area so that it is hoped that it will be maintained," he said.