Knowing Soft Faccination Engineering, This Soft Accompaniment Is Soaring From Stress And Overwhelmed

YOGYAKARTA Living under pressure, such as having a target-chasing job, complicated relationships, disease, uncertainty, and events in a terrible world, can trigger stress and overestimation. Some stress may be good, but if it's too much it won't make life better. A psychotherapist, teacher, and author of F. Diane Barth LSCW., reviewing the soft facilitation technique. This technique using soft fission power can help manage stress and overwhelmedness. What and how to calm yourself down from those stress, worry, and overwhelmedness?

This technique was originally developed by environmental psychologist Rachel and Stephen Kaplan. It is part of the theory of attention restoration theory (ART). This technique is a way to calm down and recover a stressful brain by spending time in nature and letting our focus get involved gently. Similar to meditation, but slightly different. Because this soft or soft fascination allure only takes time to sit on the beach or in the middle of another natural landscape and then observe it calmly without thinking.

Research reported by Psychology Today, Monday, November 6, shows that being in nature often provides recovery. Barth also cites Virginia Thomas, wrote In nature, our thoughts are left floating, staring, wandering, and sinking in moments. We do not focus on one particular thing, we explore the world using various senses rather than work hard filtering various things in the name of productivity.

This gentle allure technique is not a cure for any mental and emotional conditions that are depressed. But this method is effective in relaxing your brain, body, and all of you. This allows you to release the focus and attention that is part of today's daily life.

If you are in a big city, Barth advises, you don't have to travel in the mountains or a week on a remote island to take advantage of its soft charm. If you can take a moment of your busy day to gently focus on the situation outside of yourself, it may have the same effect. You can focus on the sky, the birds outside the window, even the salur plants outside your office window.

A gentle appeal will not eliminate all your problems or change the bad things that happen in the world. But every time you calm down and calm your mind, you give him the opportunity to rearrange. Barth closes, a calmer mind is better at solving problems that are stressful, overwhelmed, or afraid. That is, the soft fascination method will not change everything, but it may be enough to free your mind of finding some new solutions.