Democrats Answer The Issue Of AHY Becoming Minister Of Agriculture In Jokowi's Cabinet After Uploading 'Apel Malang'

JAKARTA - Member of the Upper House of the Democratic Party Syarief Hasan opened his voice about the news of the entry of Democrats in the cabinet of President Joko Widodo's government ahead of the cabinet reshuffle issue to fill the seat of the minister of agriculture. The issue of Democratic Chair Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) will become minister of agriculture to strengthen after the eldest son of the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) uploaded the issue of 'Lang Apel' in his personal social media. "That is the prerogative of the president," said Syarief Hasan when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, October 24. In line, Deputy of Bappilu DPP of the Democratic Party Kamhar Lakumani, emphasized that the cabinet reshuffle is the prerogative of the president. He said his party did not want to comment on the assumptions. "Currently our main focus and priority is to prepare for the presidential and legislative elections which are less than 4 months away," said Kamhar when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, October 24. Kamhar said that the Democrats are trying to deliver the candidate for the Presidential candidate of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Prabowo Subianto as the 8th President. "And fulfill the target of seat occupancy in all electoral districts in the upcoming legislative elections," he said. While the matter of AHY and President Jokowi's meeting at the presidential Palace yesterday, Kamhar admitted that he did not know the contents of the two talks. Especially regarding Democrats will enter the Advanced Indonesia cabinet.

"Regarding yesterday afternoon's meeting between President Jokowi and Mas Ketum AHY, we do not yet know what the conversation is," said Kamhar.

Previously, AHY uploaded an agricultural problem on his Instagram account on Monday, October 23. The upload appeared amid the discourse of reshuffling the cabinet of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin government which strengthened again this week.

"Don't forget to always consume our local agricultural products, one of which is superior products from East Java, namely poor apples," AHY wrote on his Instagram account seen Tuesday, October 24.

"Our plantation is one sector that we need to build and encourage to rise and progress," he added.

AHY also said that the Democratic Party would continue to encourage the guarantee of the availability of fertilizers, the presence of innovation, technology, and human resources in agriculture.

"So that we are increasingly independent and productive, especially in providing food availability," said AHY.