KY Guarantees 11 Prospective Supreme Court Judges Who Are Submitted To The DPR To Meet The Standards

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Judicial Commission (KY) Amzulian Rifai guarantees that candidates for Supreme Court justices and Supreme Court judges (HAM) submitted to the DPR have met established competency and integrity standards.

"The proposed candidates for Supreme Court justices have met the requirements and deserve approval from the DPR," Amzulian said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, October 20.

He was accompanied by Deputy Chairman of the Judicial Commission Siti Nurdjanah and member of the Judicial Commission M.Taufiq HZ. handed over the names of the candidates for Supreme Court judges to Deputy Speaker of the DPR Lodewijk Freidrich Paulus and members of Commission III of the DPR Supriansa and Sari Yuliati.

The KY chairman said that his party involved the maximum possible public participation in this selection, especially at the track record and interview tracing stage.

He stated that the 11 prospective judges had undergone a series of administrative selections, quality, personality, health, and interviews.

Previously, the Judicial Commission (KY) conducted interviews with candidates for Supreme Court justices and prospective judges at the Supreme Court (MA) in 2023 at the KY Auditorium, Jakarta, Monday (16/10).

The interview selection, said KY Chairman Amzulian Rifai, was in accordance with the Supreme Court's request to fill the position of 10 candidates for Supreme Court justices consisting of one Supreme Court Justice of the Civil Chamber, eight Supreme Court justices of the Criminal Chamber, and one Supreme Court judge of the TUN Chamber, specifically for taxes, and three judges of hoaxes in the Supreme Court.

On the first day of this interview presented two candidates for Supreme Court Justices of the Civil Chamber, namely Agus Subroto and Heru Pramono, then a candidate from the special tax TUN Room, namely LY Hari Sih Advianto and Ruwadah Afiyati, as well as a candidate from the Criminal Chamber named Achmad Setyo Pudjoharsoyo.

On the second day, Tuesday (17/10), five candidates for Supreme Court justices of the Criminal Chamber, namely Ainal Mardhiah, Catur Iriantoro, Minanoer Rachman, Noor Edi Yono, and Setyanto Hermawan.

Selection of interviews on the third day, Wednesday (18/10), the Judicial Commission presented five candidates for Supreme Court justices of the Criminal Chamber, namely Sigid Triyono, Sudharmawatiningsih, Sutarjo, Udjianti, and Yanto.

On the last day, Thursday (19/10), five candidates for Hakimad hobtingam in the Supreme Court, namely Adriano, Alamilaus Naipospos, Judhariksawan, Manotar Tampubolon, and Nugraha Pranadita.