Gibran: I Have No Planning, Relax Ngalir

Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka stated that he did not have any plans related to presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election contestation.

"There is no planning. I am relaxed, illegal," he said in Solo, Central Java, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 18.

Regarding the issue of him going forward to accompany Prabowo Subianto in the upcoming presidential election, Gibran confirmed that he would never offer himself to anyone.

"Once again, I never offer myself up. Other people who pursue, media friends who continue to report it," he said.

According to Gibran, the nomination of the president and vice president is the right of each chairman of a political party.

"The business of nominating the entitled chairmen," he said.

When asked about the possibility of Erick Thohir, who was also predicted to come forward to accompany Prabowo, he asked Erick to ask him directly.

"Ask Mr. Erick. Yes, that was the one who made the SKCK. Usdahya," he said.

Meanwhile, when asked about whether he was also taking care of a police certificate (SKCK), President Jokowi's eldest son said he was not taking care of anything.

"If I take care of it, I will definitely find out (knowledged), going to the District Court with the police, I will definitely be caught. I'm taking care of opo-opo. If I'm passive," he said.