Ma'ruf Amin Calls Mahfud MD Eligible To Be A Vice President Candidate

MEDAN - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs MahfudMD deserves to be a vice presidential candidate because of his experience in various institutions.

Ma'ruf assessed that Mahfud MD was well known to the public, both as a member of the DPR, a minister to the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.

"So, it has been legislative, executive, judicial. Everything has been done. So, the experience is enough, a professor, I think it is appropriate for him to become a vice presidential candidate," said the Vice President after visiting the post in Batang Kuis District, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 18.

Vice President Ma'ruf said this was in response to MahfudMD's announcement as a prospective vice presidential candidate to accompany Ganjar Pranowo.

Vice President Ma'ruf hopes that Mahfud MD, who is also a Nahdliyin (a Nahdlatul Ulama resident) can carry out his duties, and continue good things if he is later elected as vice president for the 2024-2029 period.

Mahfud MD, who accompanied Ganjar Pranowo, was considered to have both qualified experience as a presidential and vice presidential candidate.

According to the Vice President, Ganjar is also known as a person who has experience, both as a member of the DPR and the Governor of Central Java for two terms.

"This means having experience, so it is appropriate for him to become a presidential candidate, the basis is there. I think all the candidates are great. It's just a fate who will be elected," said the Vice President.

Previously, the General Chairperson of the PDI-P DPP Megawati Soekarnoputri announced Mahfud MD as the prospective vice presidential candidate who accompanied Ganjar for the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

The Ganjar-Mahfud pair is supported by the PDI-P, PPP, Hanura Party, and Perindo Party.

Both are scheduled to register with the General Elections Commission (KPU) on the first day of registration period opening on Thursday (19/10).