What Is The Fate Of The 2023 Asian Games Bonus? This Is A Leak From The Menpora

JAKARTA The bonus for medal-winning athletes at the 2023 Asian Games Hangzhou is just waiting for approval from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo said that currently the Asian Games are in the making of accountability reports. He did not specify when the bonus would be disbursed.

"For bonuses, there are already rules. I just need to report back to the President regarding bonuses. If the President has agreed what we report, it will be given immediately," he said.

Indonesia collected seven gold, 11 silver, and 17 bronze medals from the four-year event. This result made Indonesia ranked 13th in the last standings.

According to reports, the state will provide big bonuses for successful athletes in China. They were promised homes, cars, money, and jobs in government agencies.

Dito said that the promised bonus would be given by the President. Currently, the President himself is still making visits abroad.

"Surely the bonus was given by the President [Joko Widodo]. So, we will ask for directions for the schedule. The president is still visiting outside and I happen to want to go too," he said.

Indonesia's achievement in Hangzhou actually missed the target. Indonesia before leaving for the event set a target to bring home 8-12 gold medals.

The missed target cannot be separated from the failure of several sports. One of them is badminton which does not bring home a single medal.