Anies Baswedan's Health Check File This Evening Or Tomorrow Just Released

TANGERANG - Health check files for Presidential Candidates (Read President), Anies Baswedan as a condition for registration to the KPU will be published this evening. This was conveyed directly by Anies.The result (health check) may be this afternoon or out tomorrow. I have done a health check, ” Anies told reporters in Tangerang City, Tuesday, October 17.He explained that his visit to Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta this morning was not for a medical check-up. However, to carry out a health check." “ So this morning it wasn't a medical check-up, so to register it had to bring a health certificate. Now, the health certificate was requested to the health facility at Fatmawati Hospital,” he said.Furthermore, Anies explained that if the medical check-up will be held by the KPU. So that the KPU determines which hospital."But if it wasn't a medical check-up, it would be more administrative in nature. But still we had to come, take blood samples, X-rays and others," he said.Previously, it was reported that the candidate for president and vice presidential candidate for the Change Coalition, Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) plans to become the first pair to register with the General Election Commission (KPU) on Thursday, October 19, the day after tomorrow.Anies said that the preparations made by the Change Coalition to register the Amin pair showed responsibility and seriousness in wanting to take care of the country."Because this wants to take care of the country, taking care of the future must be taken seriously," said Anies in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 17.
According to Anies, the Change Coalition filled with the NasDem Party, PKS and PKB have carefully drawn up plans."Later let the community do the assessment of what we are doing," said Anies.