Ministry Of Social Affairs Denies Data Of 1.1 Million Social Assistance Recipients In DTKS Jakarta Not Worth Assistance

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) denied the findings of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government regarding 1.1 million recipients of social assistance (bansos) recorded in the integrated social welfare data (DTKS) are residents who do not deserve assistance.

"Recipients of social assistance in DKI Jakarta, in February 2022 based on data from the Ministry of Social Affairs, there were 213,945 beneficiary families (KPM). This data is far below 1.1 million," said Plt. Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Social Affairs Supomo in his statement, quoted on Tuesday, October 17.

The Ministry of Social Affairs noted that the details of Jakarta residents included in the DTKS consisted of recipients of basic food assistance of 138,428 KPM, assistance from the Family Hope Program (PKH) 4,682 KPM, and recipients of basic food assistance and PKH as many as 70,835 KPM (get two social assistance).

Supomo emphasized that during the period from March 2021 to October 2023, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government carried out inspections five times. Meanwhile, other regions do it more often, almost every month they carry out acts because each month the Social Minister's Decree is set to anticipate changes that occur, for example: PM dies.

Details of service by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in Data from the Ministry of Social Affairs, related to program assistance recipients: Basic Food 36,894 people, and PKH 44,705 people, and PBI 12,045 people.

"The Ministry of Social Affairs has never received a request for 1,143,639 DTKS services by the DKI Jakarta Social Service, as stated in the report. What has been received is the proposal for DTKS as many as 984,633 people," explained Supomo.

Previously, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Social Service, Premi Lasari, said that his party had matched the number of residents receiving social assistance (bansos) recorded in the integrated social welfare data (DTKS) with a number of other comparative data.

The DKI Social Service Agency, said Premi, has updated the DTKS to 5,327,074 residents registered with the DTKS, namely improvements to the DTKS determination in February 2022 through the village deliberation in June 2022.

"From the DTKS in February 2022, there were 4,497,724 recorded, it is known that 1,143,639 were not feasible," said Premi in his statement, Thursday, October 12.

Therefore, the DKI Provincial Government has removed data on social assistance recipients, both sourced from the APBD and central government social assistance.

One example of data cleansing carried out is the enforcement of 25,996 recipients of PKH and BPNT social assistance, as well as 12,045 PBI JKN recipients of DTKS impairment in February 2022, "said Premi.

The verification process, Premi emphasized, will continue to be carried out by the Social Service every year in a sustainable manner to ensure the accuracy of the data that will be used as a reference for providing social assistance in Jakarta.

"After all, this social assistance also uses people's money, so we have to make sure that this is right on target and can be accounted for," he added.