Causes Of Trigeminal Neuralgia Disease, One Side Of Face Pain Feels Electrical Shock
YOGYAKARTA - The trigeminal disease of neutralgia is not yet very familiar to many people's ears. This medical term is used to mention the condition of facial pain due to disorders in trigeminal nerves. This health problem can last for several seconds until minutes and may occur repeatedly. So what is the cause of the trigeminal disease of neuralgia?
Trigeminal nerve is the number five nerve of 12 neural pairs derived from the brain (cannical nerve). Pain in trigeminal diseases of neutralgia usually occurs on one side of the face which feels like being stabbed or electrocuted. This condition of pain is most often experienced in the lower face and jaw.
Although it does not endanger lives, the trigeminal condition of the neuralgia can disturb the comfort of the sufferer and requires medical treatment. So what is a trigeminal disease of neuralgia?
Trigeminal neuralgia is a state characterized by the sudden appearance of pain in the face, which feels like being stabbed or exposed to electricity. These symptoms arise due to hypersensitivity in trigeminal nerves that control motor function in the face area, such as chewing and biting.
Actually, trigeminal neuralgia is a condition that rarely occurs and requires in-depth examination. Most cases of this disease only occur on one side of the face. It can also be that the trigeminal neuralgia has an impact on both sides of the face, but very rarely occurs at the same time.
The main cause factor for trigeminal neuralgia is related to the pressure given by blood vessels or tumor growth in trigeminal nerves. In addition, this disease can also be caused by changes in the trigeminal nerve structure, such as distortion, distortion, dislocation, and neuron atrophy. There are several risk factors that can trigger trigeminal neuralgia, among others:
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Symptoms caused by trigeminal neuralgia can vary, but the general characteristic is pain in the face without aura that comes suddenly. The following are a number of symptoms that usually occur when experiencing trigeminal neural diseases.
Such are the reviews regarding the causes of trigeminal diseases in neutralgia and its symptoms. If you experience this health problem, there are several treatment treatments that can be done ranging from taking certain drugs, injection interventions, to surgery depending on the severity.