Ministry Of Health Launches One Human Resources HEALTH For Health Workers
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) launched the SATUSEHAT SDM Kesehatan (HRK) platform as an effort by the government in simplifying the administrative affairs of medical and health personnel in Indonesia.
"SATUSEHAT HRK is part of the SATUSEHAT ecosystem, a health data exchange ecosystem designed to integrate and manage data on medical personnel profiles, health workers, and other health support personnel throughout Indonesia," said Director General (Dirjen) of Health Workers at the Ministry of Health Arianti Anaya as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 11.
Arianti said that the procurement of SATUSEHAT HRK aims to facilitate search and profile integration, personal and professional data updates, as well as registration and licensing services.
He explained that SatuSEHAT SDMK was designed to avoid falsification of registration certificates (STR) and practice permits (SIP), so that it could minimize irresponsible practices as recently occurred.
"In the future, we will also develop this STR to be read through barcodes, so that there will be no more fake doctors," he explained.
Arianti explained that a number of problems often arise, such as fragmentation of information and data collection between the KKI, services, and professional organizations of their respective nature. Thus, this often causes duplication and inconsistency of existing data.
In addition, he continued, registration and licensing services are not central, so there are obstacles in accelerating medical and health personnel to serve the community.
"Of course, it also reduces costs and bureaucracy that are too long, which in turn also harms the community," he added.
SATUSEHAT SDMK, said Arianti, is an effort by the Ministry of Health in carrying out the mandate of Law no. 17 of 2023 concerning Health (Health Law). Where every medical and health worker who carries out the practice must have a STR issued by the Indonesian Medical Consil (KKI) on behalf of the Ministry of Health which is valid for life and integrated in the application.
Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin said the issuance of STR for life through SATUSEHAT SDMK can help medical and health personnel who are far away.
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"I have spoken with friends in Papua, it is very difficult to take care of it (STR) and have to spend very expensive transportation costs. With this once in a lifetime STR, it will really help them, not only costs but also management times," said Minister of Health Budi.
The Minister of Health explained that the implementation of a lifetime STR intends to simplify licensing. Thus, medical and health personnel only need to extend the SIP for once every five years, as well as updating the competence of medical and health personnel.
He explained that medical and health personnel can register, view data, and even update data independently, so that all processes can be carried out digitally and transparently. The data updating process is also supervised by a verification team to ensure that the data entered is correct.
"With the integration of SATU SEHAT SDMK, it is the only national health application, where the needs of the community, including medical and health personnel, can be accessed in this ONESEHAT application," said the Minister of Health.