Indonesia Is Re-elected As A Member Of The UN Human Rights Council With The Highest Voice, Foreign Minister Retno: A Form Of Trust

JAKARTA - Indonesia's success in being re-elected as a member of the UN Human Rights Council for the sixth time, followed by the highest votes in the election, shows confidence in Indonesia, said Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Wednesday.

The selection of members of the Human Rights Council was held at General Asembly Hall, United Nations Headquarters, New York United States on Tuesday, October 10 at 10 am local time.

"Alhamdulillah, thank God, at 11.30 p.m. NY time which means 23.30 p.m. local time or 22.30 p.m. local time has been obtained the vote count results. Indonesia received the highest votes, compared to the votes obtained by other countries who were both elected members of the Human Rights Council for the period 2024-2026," explained Foreign Minister Retno in a written statement, Wednesday, October 11.

"Indonesia received 186 votes out of a total of 192 votes. From the Asia Pacific region, from our territory, the votes acquired by Indonesia (186), Kuwait (183), Japan (175) and China (154). This vote acquisition figure is also the highest vote that Indonesia has ever received in the history of Indonesia's candidacy at the UN Human Rights Council," continued Foreign Minister Retno.

Foreign Minister Retno explained, this is the sixth time Indonesia has been elected as a member of the UN Human Rights Council, namely 2006 '2007, 2007'2010, 2011'2014, 2015'2017, 20202022. Most recently, Indonesia will join for the 2024'2026 period.

"The sixth choice of Indonesia as the Human Rights Council and this time getting the most votes is a form of trust given to Indonesia to continue to contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights," said Foreign Minister Retno.

It is known that the process of nominating Indonesia as a member of the UN Human Rights Council has been going on for some time.

Apart from Foreign Minister Retno, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Indonesian diplomats also used various diplomatic opportunities to echo Indonesia's candidacy.

1' Indonesia was re-elected as a member of the UN Human Rights Council 2024-2026 (10/10)2' Indonesia received 186 votes from 192 UN member countries who attended. 3' Become members of the Human Rights Council, Indonesia carries the theme Inclusive Partnership for Humanity #inidimacy #Indonesia for the