RI-Japan Has A Myriad Of Cooperation Opportunities In The Field Of Pharmacy And Medical Devices

JAKARTA - Indonesia and Japan have a myriad of opportunities for cooperation in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical devices (farmalkes) that can be explored, according to the Indonesian Ambassador to Japan Heri Akhmadi.

"Indonesia's pharmaceutical and medical device industry value is predicted to reach more than USD 6 billion by 2026, while the value of the Japanese market that can be accessed will reach USD 70 billion," Heri said in a written statement from the Indonesian Consulate General in Osaka quoting Antara.

Heri conveyed this picture at the opening ceremony of the second Indonesia-Japan Medical and Medical Devices Business Forum (the 2nd Indonesia Japan Pharmaceutical & Medical Devices Business Forum / PMDBF II) which was held in Osaka, Japan, Thursday (5/10).

As one of the important results of the business forum, the memorandum of understanding (MoU) of cooperation was signed by PT Graha Tekno Medika (GTM) and PT Horiba Indonesia.

"PMDBF activities are very useful in connecting partners between the two countries. The MoU signed today is inseparable from our participation in the first forum business," said Marketing Manager of PT Horiba Indonesia Junpei Hashimoto.

The agreement will bridge the establishment of partnerships in producing hematological analysis tools at GTM manufacturing facilities in Indonesia.

On the same occasion, Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Dante Saksono Harbuwono said that the Indonesian government is carrying out a national health transformation, namely by increasing resilience in the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors.

"The Indonesian Ministry of Health continues to support the domestic pharmaceutical and medical device industry to improve its capabilities in the field of research and development and production capacity through bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation," said Dante.

Indonesian Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita also emphasized the Indonesian government's commitment to continue to improve the resilience of the national health system by accelerating technological advances and its implementation in the field of health facilities.

The Indonesian government has implemented policies and incentives that create an attractive environment for investment in the pharmaceutical industry and medical equipment. This step is very important not only for economic growth but also increasing access to health services," said Agus.

The second PMDBF was held by representatives of the Republic of Indonesia in Japan, namely the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo, the Indonesian Consulate General in Osaka, IIPC Tokyo, and ITC Osaka in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Investment/BKPM, Ministry of Trade and KADIN Indonesia.

The forum, which was held offline and online, was attended by 250 participants from the Indonesian and Japanese pharmaceutical businesses and businesses.