Netray Monitoring: Appointing Kaesang Pangarep As Chairman Of PSI Responded Negatively To Warganet

Kaesang Pangarep has become one of the most talked about topics on social media in the past week. This happened after the youngest son of President Joko Widodo was appointed as Chairman (Ketum) of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI). Thus, Kaesang officially replaced Giring Ganesha, who previously served in that position since November 2019.

Kaesang's decision to join PSI became controversial, because Jokowi's family was deemed not to have close ties to the party which was filled by the majority of the millennial generation. Jokowi, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, and his son-in-law, Bobby Nasution, are PDIP cadres.

In addition, the appointment of Kaesang as Chairman of PSI is also considered too early. The man who was born in 1994 immediately held the position of chairman on Monday, September 25, or just two days after officially receiving PSI Membership Card (KTA) at Jokowi's residence, Sumber, Banjarsari, Solo.

The public also wondered why Kaesang, who had no experience in politics, was suddenly appointed as Chairman of PSI.

Topics around Kaesang have been widely discussed by online media in the past week. Based on Netray monitoring in the period 19-26 September 2023 with the word keykaesang && PSI, 1,283 articles came from 116 total media were found.

However, the news of Kaesang's appointment as PSI leader was not responded positively. As seen in the graph, negative news dominated this news even though at the end of the period the graph of positive sentiment looked towering.

Kaesang's choice to join a party known as a youth party has increased the political dynamics ahead of the 2024 presidential election. This is where bad news emerged about Megawati's relationship as the PDIP chairman with Jokowi.

The issue became increasingly wild when there was an assumption that Kaesang's entry to PSI was an opener that the party would belong to Jokowi's family or what was widely known as the Jokowi dynasty. The cynical response was also conveyed by political observer from Airlangga University, Airlangga Pribadi. He called PSI weakening its image as a democratic party. Airlangga is worried that what PSI is doing will not be a good process, and could harm Kaesang's political steps in the long term.

"The process of determining party officials, especially the succession process and leadership elections, is carried out through democratic procedures that take place, both through congresses and congresses that involve agreements from all parties, of course with an organized allowance process," said Airlangga, Tuesday, September 26.

Not only in online media, Netray also found a negative sentiment trend on the YouTube channel regarding the joining of Kaesang to PSI. Using the same keywords and periods, as many as 387 video content involving Kaesang and PSI appeared on YouTube.

The content has been watched by 5.9 million YouTube users and has gained 49.4 thousand likes. The amount of impression on the entire content reached 6 million reactions and received 29 thousand comments which were dominated by negative sentiment.

Jokowi's name, who is very close to PDIP, was motivated by negative comments from netizens. The former mayor of Solo is considered to have humiliated PDIP and Megawati.

"PDIP and Megawati were humiliated by Jokowi... There is no price for PDIP to be trampled on," wrote the owner of the Fifiger account on September 24.

Once appointed as Chairman of PSI replacing Giring Ganesha, Kaesang Pangarep immediately set a high target. Jokowi's youngest son is determined to bring PSI through the parliamentary threshold of 4 percent of the votes in the 2024 Legislative Election and his legislative candidates have succeeded in becoming members of the DPR for the 2024-2029 period.

"I am an optimistic person but I don't have to be grandiose. My target, God willing, PSI will pass the 4 percent Parliamentary Threshold, and PSI factions will be in Senayan in 2024," said Kaesang in PSI National Land Coffee (Kopdarnas) at Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, Monday, September 25.

As a party that is relatively new, PSI has a lot of homework to be able to send its representatives to Senayan. Moreover, Kaesang is often underestimated by the public. He is considered incompetent to become the leader of a political party and only relies on the previllise of his father who is a president.

But the cynical gaze at Kaesang Pangarep tried to cool PSI spokesman Dedek Prayudi. He said Kaesang was one of the most influential young people today. This is evident from his name which is included in the ranks of 40 influential young figures in Indonesia according to Fortune 2023 from the business sector.

"He is the son of the President, so whatever his achievements are covered by that status. So if Kaesang says he doesn't have the capacity, the accusation is too hasty," said Dedek Prayudi.

Will Kaesang Pangarep, a new child in the world of politics, be able to bring PSI to have a seat in Senayan? It is interesting to look forward to Jokowi's youngest shot as a poltic scene.