Waiting For The Results Of The Forensic Laboratory, The Reason The Central Jakarta Police Has Not Revealed The Cause Of The Fire At The National Museum

JAKARTA - Almost two weeks the fire case at the Indonesian National Museum has passed, but the Central Jakarta Metro Police (Jakpus) has not concluded the exact cause of the fire in Building A which scorched as many as 6 rooms where historical objects were collected.

"Not yet, indications of burning or burning or corslet or the cause of the burning of the museum are still being investigated," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin to VOI, Thursday, September 28.

The investigation process continues to be carried out by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim. Investigators are also still waiting for the results of laboratory tests from Puslabfor.

"Later, of course, we can give (the main cause of the fire) after a decision from the Forensic Laboratory," he said.

The police also continue to add witnesses related to the fire incident at the National Museum of Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Special Team for Handling the Indonesian National Museum Unit continues to work on the evacuation process, identification and restoration of collections of objects and historical buildings affected by the fire on Saturday, September 16, last.

"Until today, there are 243 collections from 817 collections that we have successfully identified," said Acting Head of the Public Service Agency for Museums and Cultural Conservation (MCB), Ahmad Mahendra.

Meanwhile, the exhibition room for the pre-historic, bronze and parts of the city collection has been successfully evacuated.

"We have started evacuating ceramic collection rooms. We have also mobilized additional experts for the identification team to speed up this stage process," he said.