KSP Expert Staff Calls Elections Not Influence Economic Stability In Upstream Oil And Gas

JAKARTA - Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office, Hageng Suryo Nugroho, revealed that the general election (election) for the presidency that will occur in 2024 will not affect economic stability and the upstream oil and gas industry.

"Regarding elections, we note that once every 5 years the democratic party always runs well and does not have much effect on economic stability in Indonesia," said Hageng when speaking at the panel Unlocking Opportunities in Indonesia's Dynamic Oil and Gas Investment Landscape session at The 4th International Convention on Indonesian Upstream Oil and Gas (ICIUOG) 2023, Thursday, September 21.

Hageng explained that the three presidential candidates are educated people and have a good track record. Anies Baswedan is a former Minister of Education, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta. Ganjar Pranowo is the Governor of Central Java and finally Prabowo Subianto who currently holds the position of Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia as well as a former member of the TNI.

"Seeing all of this, I am sure that these candidates will not put the country in a difficult situation and have good intentions for the country," continued Hageng.

Not only that, Hageng also said that the three candidates understood what was happening globally and understood the issue of energy resilience, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) even regarding IKN development.

"So there will be no drastic changes in the government. We will welcome investors and frankly we have a target of ranking 6 Gross Domestic Products (GDP)," he added.

However, he ensured that the government had prepared several mitigation steps in dealing with elections in terms of investment regulations.

"Despite the change of president, the Government continues to ensure smoothness and business sustainability as a commitment that must be completed," concluded Hageng.