Amigdala Holds The Last Concert Before Officially Changing Name
JAKARTA - Amiddala, a band from Bandung fronted by Iqbal Nuriana, Arjunet Abdi Negara and Desire Kinanthi, will hold a farewell concert today, Friday, September 15 at 18.00 WIB at Creative Culture Space, South Jakarta.
Meanwhile, the concert titled Stage Terbenam was referred to as the last stop of Amiddala before they changed their name.
"Soon we will arrive at the last stop," wrote Amigdala's Instagram account in a statement uploaded to the Naming Stage concert, Friday, September 15.
"Let's pack up and position us there," he continued. The driver is known to be the new name chosen by Iqbal cs.
The group name on their Spotify platform has also changed to the name Pengdarra, although the songs of Amigdala such as I thought You were Home and God Calls Sia still visible.
In this farewell concert, Amigdala also invited Irama Pantai Selatan, Rafi Sudirman, Oscar Lolang, T. Rucira, Araji, Arash Buana and Adit Sisitipsi to perform.
For information, Aya Canina as a former vocalist asked Amigdala personnel to change the group name. It is said that the name the group uses is his brand.
"The Amigdala was created in December 2016 by me and Isa. The one who sparked the name Amigdala was myself," said Aya Canina at Pati Unus, South Jakarta on Thursday, September 14.
However, Nanang Hermanto as Aya Canina's attorney questioned the change in the group name on the Spotify Amigdala account.
They also changed the name of the artist on Spotify, and it violated the ITE Law, concluded Aya Canina's attorney.