Opportunities Are Thin, PPP Calls The New Axis Of The Presidential Election Difficult To Realize

JAKARTA - PPP DPP chairman Achmad Baidowi or Awiek responded to the emergence of a new coalition discourse formed by PPP, PKS and Democrats after the joining of the PKB NasDem which carried the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar pair.

Awiek said that the formation of a new axis for the 2024 presidential election would be difficult to realize because the opportunity was very thin.

"The issue of the new axis so far, I see it running low. Its name is, any politics is possible, but it is possible that we see little with the fourth axis," said Awiek at the DPR building, Jakarta, Friday, September 8.

Awiek explained several reasons why the new axis was difficult to form. First, PKS has committed to supporting the presidential candidate for the Change Coalition, Anies Baswedan.

"Then if Sandi-AHY's new axis does PKS agree? Because we haven't done political communication. Is it true that PKS doesn't propose its cadres? In PKS, many of its cadres are great. So there are many problems related to the emergence of the new axis," said Awiek.

Awiek assessed that the discourse of a new axis is a small part of the political dynamics in Indonesia, including in PPP. Because he said, PPP was still consistent with the results of the rapid national election which recommended Sandiaga Uno as vice presidential candidate.

Meanwhile, regarding Sandiaga Uno who invited PKS to form a coalition with PPP, Awiek said, to join the PDIP to open to form a new coalition.

"In the context of Mr. Sandi inviting them to join a major coalition, although if we look at the difference between PDIP and PKS, maybe it can be together because in several regional elections, PKS can also form a coalition with PDIP," he said.