Exclusive Bryan Domani Maintains Acting Quality When Paired With Mawar De Jongh

JAKARTA - Bryan Domani has played in feature films for the umpteenth time with the role of high school students. Most recently, he played the role of Galaxies in a teen drama film entitled Galaxies.

The character this time is a well-known and feared high school student. Together with some of his friends, Galaxies created a gang called Ravispa, where he himself became the leader.

This action tells the story of a broken home child who attends Ganesha. He is the leader of a motorcycle gang whose children have problems at home too. They have seven children, and the gang is called Ravispa," said Bryan Domani when met in Antasari, South Jakarta recently.

"Ravispa is a school guard, school frontman, school champion, who if there are people from outside who have problems with Ganesha's child, they will come forward," he continued.

However, the Galaxy found a student named Kejora (Mawar de Jongh), who managed to catch his attention. Kejora is described as a good and perfect child.

"Finally growing a feeling, and there, when those feelings grew, many problems arose, starting from friendship conflicts, the future and family," said Bryan.

Playing a lot of the role of high school students makes Bryan learn a lot. He feels that problems in life, which may be seen as only in adults, can also happen to teenagers.

"If it turns out that the life of high school students can be as heavy as adults. Because what I get, even though I'm still in high school, sometimes the problem can be more than other people," said Bryan Domani.

"And from the Galaxy, later you can watch it, you can know why I said this," he added.

From the role he played this time, Bryan also wanted to tell many people to be more empathetic. For him, judging someone as not only from outside.

"Learn empathy. Because life is not just black and white, it is more gray. Many people live in gray, which means they are confused about which side, and they are still looking for it," he said.

The pairing of Bryan Domani with Mawar de Jongh is not the first time. The two have been paired several times in other film projects.

"I'm actually paired with Mawar for only 3, but being involved in a film together is not bad (a lot)," said Bryan Domani.

Although it is admitted that it is easier to form chemistry because they have known each other before, both Bryan and Mawar do not want the audience to get bored of seeing them paired in the film.

"We always try to make something different, because it's not good if it's the same," said Bryan.

"For example, if Mawar sees me as much as the previous character, she will tell you. On the other hand, I also sometimes tell her. Yes, there are many discussions with Mawar," he continued.

However, at least there are updates from the chemistry presented by Bryan and Mawar this time. For the first time they were paired as high school students.

"With different characters, the background of the characters is different, the scope of the characters is also. Previously we had not played together as high school students, only in this film," he said.

Not only with Mawar de Jong, Bryan Domani said he was happy with the choice of players presented by the Galaxy. Although not too close before, the process that was traversed through the Galaxy made him close to the other players.

The 23-year-old actor also talked about the complexity of the film and character of the Galaxy. He must be able to display a lot of emotions, both as a gang leader, a teenager who is in love, and a last child in the family.

So, as a player I have a plan that I have to do, because I have to measure my emotions in every scene. Finally, there are also many discussions with Mas Kuntz (director). You see, no matter how much I have prepared, on the set there is a new incident that is not planned. But yes, it really helps with the cast and crew," he said.

Meanwhile, the beginning of Bryan Domani's career in entertainment began with the youth boyband, Super 7. He called his career in acting something he never thought of and came suddenly.

"I never thought about this (acting) world, I just suddenly entered. Yes, thank God, maybe the road is here, just enjoy it," said Bryan Domani.

"Initially it was from singing, then I got FTV. Finally I left the boyband and played in soap operas, and now the film continues to be in the same series," he continued.

There is no specific figure that made Bryan decide to become an actor. His acting career, which has started since 2012, continues to run until now because of his preference for the atmosphere on set.

"Every location is different. In the past, I liked the location of the FTV, when I played in the soap opera, I liked the location of the soap opera, when the series I liked the location of the series, and finally met the film and finally liked the location and environment of the film," said Bryan.

On the set, he admitted that he could learn a lot. He said the actors he had met had been his inspiration in acting.

"Since entering the world of cinema, it has finally started to be inspired by many other actors, not only seniors but young ones too. Like friends who play in the Galaxy, there is Mawar, Amaya, Omara, Zoul, everything inspires me. So, the films I play will definitely get inspiration," he said.

Even though he has been acting for eleven years, Bryan Domani has never been involved in horror films. In the future, he hopes to have the opportunity to star in feature films with horror genres

"I've never shot horror. I've filmed horror in short films, but if it's a big screen film horror, I've never tried it. I know I'll definitely be really tired, but I want to try it," concluded Bryan Domani.