Central Buton Police Members Arrested After Burning Ganjar And Megawati's Billboards

A police officer with the initials Aipda AL and his partner LA burned down billboards for presidential candidates Ganjar Pranowo and PDIP chairman Megawati in Central Buton Regency (Buteng), Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra).

In addition to Ganjar Pranowo's face, in the billboard there is also a picture of President Joko Widodo, PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri and former Regent of Buteng, Samahuddin.

The police officer on duty at the Lakudo Police, Central Buton, is suspected of being drunk while burning billboards. Their action was caught when one of the car drivers recorded the second action.

This arson incident occurred in Lanto Village and Lolibu Village, Central Mawasangka District, on Tuesday, September 5 at around 02.45 WITA.

The two perpetrators were arrested a day after they were arrested last Wednesday at 16.30 WITA after receiving a report from the PDIP branch management, Buteng.

Kasatreskrim Polres Buteng, Iptu Sunarton confirmed this. The two billboards were burned and raided by a police officer and civil society.

"Currently, the two perpetrators have been detained at the Central Buton Police Headquarters and are still being investigated by the Satreskrim investigators," said Iptu Sunarton in his statement, Thursday, September 7.

The burning of Ganjar Pranowo's billboard began when the two perpetrators and a witness with the initials S had a drinking party. After returning from the alcohol party, this policeman and his colleague immediately burned the billboard.

"Witnesses who were around the crime scene, recorded and saw firsthand the arson," he said.

As a result of the burning of the billboards, the PDI-P Buteng DPC management lost around Rp. 5 million. The two perpetrators were charged with Article 170 in conjunction with 406 of the Criminal Code regarding the destruction of other people's belongings.