PKB Coup Assessed For Recycling Issues, Cak Imin: Every Five Years Repeated
JAKARTA - PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin stated that the polemic of the coup of leadership seats in his party was nothing new. He considers it a recycling issue that always appears in each election.
This was conveyed after the issue of Cak Imin having coup the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrachman Wahid or Gus Dur as the General Chair of the PKB. This incident occurred in 2005 when Cak Imin was elected as the General Chair of the PKB through the Congress in Semarang and his uncle became Chairman of the Shura Council.
This condition then made PKB divided into two camps and each camp held an Extraordinary Congress (MLB) in 2008 which was won again by Cak Imin. The legality of the leadership was then upheld by the court's decision.
Returning to Cak Imin, he admitted that he had actually discussed the coup issue frequently. So, this past does not need to be discussed again.
"That's the past that every five years must appear. I have answered back and forth the five-year period is repeated again," said Cak Imin to reporters at the PB PMII Secretariat, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, September 6.
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For information, this coup then made Cak Imin and Gus Dur's family heated up. In fact, he kicked Yenny Wahid who served as Secretary General of PKB for the 2005-2010 period.
Yenny even recently commented on Cak Imin's polemic. Most recently, he reminded the public to remain critical or criticize the 2024 General Election, especially the claims of candidates in the presidential election.
He explained that in the political year, there were many unilateral claims, incitements, and provocations. One of them is claims related to PKB's vote acquisition that are not proportional to Cak Imin's vote acquisition.
"Strengthening factual data, don't claim it, because everyone can," Yenny said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 5.