The Results Of The Visum Of The Karawang Hospital, Imam Masykur Who DIEd Dianiaya Oknum Paspampres Alami Asfiksia

JAKARTA One of the attorneys for the Imam Masykur family, Princess Maya Rumanti, explained the condition of Imam's body after a post-mortem at the Karawang Hospital, West Java. Putri said that the results of the examination at the hospital, Imam experienced Asphyksia, respiratory system problems caused by low oxygen levels in the body.

Visum ada bang, ini Asfiksia, diduga asma seperti tersendat gitu, ini visum pertama dari RS Karawang, pertama kali, jelas Putri Maya Rumanti di Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, Selasa, 5 September.

Hearing the explanation, Hotman Paris was confident that Imam was being abused.

"And it's clear that it was persecution, yes, not because of shortness of breath, don't let it deviate, right, yes, don't let it deviate," said Hotman Paris.

Hotman also asked what basis he could mention that the victim was short of breath.

"How can you know if you have shortness of breath. If you are already in the water, huh? Where is the logic? In the autopsy at the RSPAD but there has been no result. This is just a statement from the body, yes," Hotman continued.

"Yes, but this has a direct cause, Asfiksia, the main cause is only," replied Putri.

Fauziah, the mother of Imam Masykur, who at that time was beside Hotman Paris, could only hope to get legal assistance until this case was resolved.

"We met with Mr. Hotman, we want to be escorted thoroughly," said Fauziah.