Tuai Pujian, Serial One Piece Sets A Satisfactory Record From Netflix

JAKARTA - Adaptation series often get negative responses from fans and spectators. However, that didn't happen in the One Piece series released by Netflix on Thursday, August 31 yesterday.

The series adapted from the manga made by Eiichiro Oda seems to destroy Netflix's kutukan'. Apart from being praised by critics, the series also received an 81% rating from the fresh tomatoes, Rotten Tomatoes shortly after the series was released.

Apart from critics, 94% of audiences are also satisfied with this adaptation. The response was different when Netflix released the Death Note or Cowboy Bebop which received a rating of less than 50% - indicating the series was not welcomed by fans.

Fan concerns are common. The reason is, the One Piece manga has 2000 parts of the story so that not a few have questioned how Netflix summarized the story into a series with eight episodes.

The production of One Piece, which took six years, was also carried out thanks to Eiichiro Oda, the creator who is a perfectionist of his work. In his statement, Oda admitted that the development process had been carried out since 2016.

Netflix agreed to adjust Oda's wishes in creating One Piece adaptation. The changes in filming were also revealed to match Oda's perspective.

I've been working with Tomorrow Studios and Netflix for a long time. Even though they understand the characters, we have cultural differences. So with regard to entertainment, we have different rules, sets of expertise, and ideals," said Oda.

It didn't stop there, since One Piece was released, the hashtag for this series has continued to reverberate on social media along with several names of characters that were also discussed. Among them are Luffy, Namibia, and Zoro.

One Piece tells of Luffy's journey to find a treasure with his friends. The One Piece series, which has become a topic of conversation starring I fire Godoy (Monkey D. Luffy) and Mackenyu (Roronoa Zoro), Emily Rudd (Nami), Jacob Romero Gibson (Usopp), and Taz Skylar (Sanji).

On the other hand, Netflix has yet to respond to whether the series will continue into a second season.