Potential To Install 2.8 Meters Sea Water On The Coast Of East Kalimantan, Activities At Ports And Tambak Asked To Be Alert

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) appealed to residents in the coastal area of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) to be aware of sea tides as high as 2.8 meters.

The impact of high tides, among others, is the disruption of loading and unloading activities at ports and fish and shrimp pond activities. BMKG asked pond owners to anticipate the forecast of the incident.

"For the tidal forecast in Balikpapan City, the highest tide is predicted on September 1, 2023 with a height of 2.8 meters at 07.00 WITA," said BMKG Data and Information Coordinator at Balikpapan Station, Diyan Novrida, in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Thursday, August 31, confiscated by Antara.

Then in Muara Sungai Berau, Berau Regency, the highest tide forecast occurred on September 1-2, 2023 with a height of 2.8 meters at 09.00 WITA.

On Nubi Island in Muara Sungai Mahakam, Kutai Kartanegara Regency and its surroundings, the highest tide occurred on September 1, 2023 with a height of 2.8 meters at 07.00 WITA.

"Then in the coastal area of Sangkulilang Bay, East Kutai Regency, the highest tide forecast is September 1, 2023 with a height of 2.3 meters at 06.00 WITA," said Diyan.