Prosecutor's Office Waits For Audit Results To Announce Corruption Suspect Tadulako University, Central Sulawesi

Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi) High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) said the determination of the suspect in the alleged corruption case of the International Publication and Collaborative Center (IPCC) worth IDR 1.7 billion at Tadulako University (Untad) was waiting for the results of the calculation of state losses. "There are already potential suspects. What is clear is that there is more than one name. However, we have not been able to convey it because we are waiting for the calculation of state losses," said Head of Central Sulawesi Attorney General's Office Abdul Haris in Palu, Friday, August 25, which was confiscated by Antara. In the near future, he continued, the auditor team will arrive in Palu City to calculate state financial losses for 2 weeks with the prosecutor's office. "Together we do the calculations. This process is thorough and detailed because it involves the value of state money," he said.

Haris revealed that investigators had examined more than 20 witnesses in the alleged corruption case of IPCC Untad, including the rector and former rector of the college. If in this process the auditor asked for additional information, investigators summoned witnesses to provide information. "The auditor is not from Central Sulawesi, and we cannot convey it because it avoids intervention or influence from outside," said Haris.

Pemeriksaan terkait dengan dugaan korupsi tersebut berdasarkan temuan BPK RI, sebagaimana yang termuat dalam laporan hasil pemeriksaan atas laporan keuangan (LHP-LK) pada tahun 2021 pada Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek) dengan kerugian negara lebih dari Rp1,7 miliar.Selain itu, terdapat temuan sejenis yang bersumber dari hasil pemeriksaan Inspektorat Jenderal Kemendikbudristek terkait dengan perjalanan dinas dalam negeri dan kegiatan fiktif senilai Rp574 juta."Beberapa waktu lalu penyidik menggeledah Kantor IPCC Untad, kemudian menyita sejumlah dokumen penting yang ada hubungannya dengan kasus ini, termasuk memeriksa rumah mantan rektor," katanya.