Tips For Finding Child Potential Since Early Childhood From Dian Sastrowardoyo

JAKARTA - Dian Sastrowardoyo recounted the development of his youngest daughter, Ishana Ariandra Nariratana Sutowo, who was even 10 years old on June 7. He said the princess had begun to find her potential.

The 41-year-old actress believes that the potential for children can be known through what she likes. Ishana's way of finding her potential begins with her favorite to watch movies.

I think the way she dreams and finds unique potential, they (children) need something that is very liked and personal. For example, my daughter, when she watches movies, she likes the story, she has to know the ending," said Dian Sastro in Thamrin, Central Jakarta on Tuesday, August 22.

"He really likes to write stories, he ends up making stories. I found out that he likes to be a writer," he continued.

For Dian, it is important to give opportunities for children to find their potential. He did not want his children to grow up to meet the expectations of others, even their parents.

"With social pressure, they can't even recognize what potential they like and what hobby they like. He's too busy looking for people out there," said Dian Sastro.

By establishing a foundation that is named after itself, Dian Sastro wants to encourage children, especially girls, to dare to dream away and open their insights more broadly.

"On average they don't dare to dream because of narrow insight, and they also believe that they are depressed from outside. They can't recognize their uniqueness and potential," said Dian Sastro.

"We are very free to determine our uniqueness. I think how we can convince ourselves to find unique potentials that can make us have the courage to dare to dream of having to come from something personal," he said.