Mahfud MD Regarding Megawati Asks Jokowi To Disband KPK: Annoyance Expressions Because It Is Not Effective

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri did not seriously propose that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) be dissolved.This statement is considered an annoyance because the institution does not work optimally." “ Said that ‘ disbanded ’ it was just an expression of Mrs. Mega's annoyance because she judged that the KPK was ineffective," Mahfud said in a written statement to reporters, Wednesday, August 23.Mahfud then said that from his observations Megawati actually emphasized the effectiveness of eradicating corruption by the KPK. He considered this the same as the view of the Legal Reform Accelerated Team of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs." “Yakni wants the KPK to be more effective and professional," he said."That's why we don't have to overreact so we don't get Bu Mega's intentions wrong," Mahfud continued.As previously reported, Megawati said that she had asked President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to dissolve the KPK. Because corrupt practices still occur even though the institution exists."I have said to Mr. Jokowi sometimes, 'That's it, disband the KPK, sir. I don't think it's effective'," he said in The Tribata, Jakarta.The PDIP general chairman admitted that there was no problem if anyone thought his statement was outspoken. This is because the KPK is a formative institution in the era of its government."If you talk ces pleng, you know I made it (KPK) anyway," Megawati said at the event.This statement then became polemic. PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto even said that Megawati did not mean anything but to make the eradication of corruption run optimally.Hasto confirmed that he had clarified directly to Megawati. “ It is completely untrue, because he founded the KPK in the spirit of fulfilling the mandate of reform,” firmly in a written statement.
In fact, Megawati said that Hasto wanted the KPK to be permanent. This is because this institution was previously only an ad hoc or could be dissolved at any time.