Health And Health Facilities Must Be Prepared When COVID Eris Has Spread In Indonesia

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, asked the public to be aware of the new variant of COVID-19 called EG. 5.1 which has spread in 6 provinces in Indonesia. The government is also asked to take anticipatory steps so that the variant, also known as Eris, does not cause a new case explosion.

"Even though we have entered the endemic phase, I urge the public to be aware of the new Covid-19 virus. The government must also prepare anticipatory steps to prevent all possibilities that will harm the community due to this variant," said Puan, Tuesday, August 22.

According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health's Surveillance and Health Quarantine (Kemenkes), the Eris variant has dominated the country from July to August 2023, with a percentage of positive cases of around 20 percent.

The virus variant has also spread in 6 provinces in Indonesia, namely North Sumatra, South Kalimantan, West Java, East Java, Bali and DKI Jakarta. Eris is known to trigger an increase in cases in the United States (US) and the United Kingdom.

Because it has been found in 36 countries, Eris is now under WHO monitoring. Puan assessed that the detection system in Indonesia was good enough so that the spread of this virus was quickly known.

Puan asked the Government to intensify testing again to the public. With strict monitoring, said Puan, it is hoped that it can reduce the spread of Eris which is more massive.

"By re-increasing testing, the Government can anticipate the process of spreading the virus. This is expected to be the first step, to break the chain of spread of the virus," said the first woman to serve as chairman of the DPR.

In addition, Puan also encouraged the Ministry of Health to carry out surveillance and full monitoring of patients who were detected as exposed to the Eris variant virus.

"Hopefully the spread of the virus can be suppressed so that we will no longer enter the pandemic phase due to the COVID-19 virus," said Puan.

Puan also asked the Government to provide further explanation regarding information about the Eris virus. Not only about the level of spread, but also how dangerous this variant is.

"Explanation and education related to the new variant of Covid-19 will increase public awareness while reducing citizen concerns. People can also take appropriate anticipatory steps for their respective families," he said.

Based on the records of the Ministry of Health, the average daily Covid-19 test is only in the range of 2 to 4 thousand tests throughout August 2023. This figure is much lower than the July 2023 record, which is at 5 to 6 thousand tests per day.

Meanwhile, the United States Government is preparing a new dose of vaccine to anticipate the spread of the Eris virus. The government is advised to imitate the response steps taken by the US against the spread of the virus.

Puan encourages health facilities to prepare for all scenarios that occur due to air pollution and the spread of the Eris variant.

"The deteriorating air condition in Jabodetabek is still our common homework and makes people vulnerable to disease, especially in the respiratory tract. The Eris virus also attacks in this part, so there must be anticipatory steps," he explained.