Investigate Factory Fire In PT Pusri Palembang Area, Police Check Security

SOUTH SUMATRA - Polrestabes Palembang, conducted an investigation into the fire case at the Counvire STG Batu Bara Factory in the PT Pupuk Sriwijaya (Pusri) area, Friday, August 18.

"The team is currently working at the location of the fire to uncover the cause of the fire and other things, including the possibility of casualties," said Head of the Palembang Police Criminal and Criminal Investigation Unit (Kasat Reskrim) AKBP Haris Dinzah in Palembang, South Sumatra (Sumsel), Friday, August 18, confiscated by Antara.

In addition to checking the crime scene (TKP), he said, officers were also trying to collect information from a number of witnesses, especially factory and security officers who knew about the fire incident.

To carry out the crime scene, the Palembang Polrestabes team and the Kalidoni Police were supported by the South Sumatra Police Labfor team.

"TKP processing activities are expected to run well and the witness provides actual information, so that the cause of the fire case can be revealed as soon as possible," he said.

Haris said he received reports of a Counvire STG Coal fire in the PT Pusri Palembang area on Friday, August 18 at around 01.55 WIB.

After receiving the report, he said, steps were taken to function the police, such as visiting and securing the crime scene, and taking witness statements.

He said the fire could be controlled by deploying dozens of officers and five fire engines from PT Pusri, so that it did not spread to residential areas and factories of PT Pusri.

According to witness testimony, namely the security officer of PT Pusri, he said, the fire incident was allegedly caused by friction of coal fuel that hit cables from the ground floor to the fire that spread and grew, then burned the building over the Counvire STG Batu Bara factory.

He said several witnesses were being questioned, namely M Aris Munandar (34) PT Pusri security guard, Ahmad Faisal (30) and Ronald Sandi (40) both were PT GUI security guards.