Having No Past Problems, PKS Accepts If Anies Chooses AHY To Be A Vice Presidential Candidate

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the PKS Syuro Council, Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW), admitted that he would be a legowo if the candidate for president (candidate) for the Change Coalition for Unity (KPP) Anies Baswedan did not elect his party cadres as a vice presidential candidate (cawapres) for the 2024 election.

Even if Anies chooses the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) as the vice presidential candidate, HNW said PKS would accept and support the decision.

According to HNW, AHY met the criteria required by Anies Baswedan.

"We have always been willing. We from PKS can accept it, and we can support it. We see that he (AHY) does meet the criteria conveyed by Mr. Anies," said HNW at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 15.

In addition, continued HNW, AHY is a clean, brave figure and can add electoral to Anies' victory in the 2024 presidential election. In addition, AHY is also a young figure. "He has no past problems, has courage, he is also a factor that can increase victory," he explained.

"AHY is certainly a figure who is very close to millennials, generation Z circles, those who are the largest voters in the current era," continued HNW.

Even so, HNW denied that AHY was chosen just to create a solid change coalition. The reason is, AHY was teased by PDIP and included in the list of candidates for vice presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo.

"No. From the start, they said that the Democrats, including AHY, said that even though they had been invited to Mba Puan (Puan Maharani), they were even promised to become vice presidential candidates, but he said they were still loyal to the coalition and continued to make Anies a presidential candidate," said HNW.

Therefore, HNW believes that if later AHY is really chosen by Anies then the decision is based on the criteria.

"So, even if it later leads to Mr. AHY, it's not because he went there, but because the criteria fulfill what Mr. Anies himself said, and what we also feel is to be able to bring victory," he added.