Chronology Of AKBP Toni Bentak Deputy Mayor Of Surabaya During The Eviction Execution In Dukuh Village

YOGYAKARTA Head of Surabaya Police Ops AKBP Toni Kasmiri shouted at the Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Armuji. The rebellion occurred in the execution of 28 houses in Dukuh Pakis Village, RT 2 RW 2, Dukuh Pakis Village, Dukupakis District, Surabaya City, East Java on Wednesday, August 9.

Chronology of the chronology of AKBP Toni Bentak's chronology against Armuji began when he was on guard at the house execution area. Armuji and his entourage appeared to come when residents gave resistance.

For information, Armuji is often present among residents when problems arise related to land disputes arise. This can be seen from the uploads on his social media accounts.

Execution was heating up. It was also seen that the Head of Ops Toni raised his voice tone to Armuji, who questioned Armuji's arrival and his entourage in the middle of the execution.

"You don't block orders, why do you have to come here?" said Toni.

Armuji then tried to explain the purpose of his arrival at the execution site. However, AKBP Toni again questioned Armuji's arrival.

"You want to provoke the residents? Don't be like that. Respect the efforts of the District Court (Surabaya District Court), we are here only to secure it," he said.

It didn't take long for Armuji and his entourage to leave the location inhabited by the dozens of heads of the family. Armuji also had time to greet the residents who were victims of the eviction execution.

Please note, the execution was held by the Surabaya District Court which was based on court decision No. 944/Pdt.G/2019/PN.SBY.

The land inhabited by dozens of families was filed by Weni Oentari with Sidik Dewanto and Haryo Soerjo Wirjohadipoetro. The judge won Weni and stated that he was entitled to the land. Therefore the court decided to execute dozens of houses on the land.

During the execution, resistance emerged from the owner of the house in the RW 2 Dukuh Pakis 4 area. To carry out the execution, the court deployed a police team. At this request, the Surabaya Police then dispatched security personnel.

Regarding the incident, Armuji admitted that he was called to help solve the problems of the residents who were victims of the execution. According to him, residents actually plan to leave the location after finding a new place.

"If they are executed like this, they do not have time to find a place. Where do they not know," Armuji told reporters.

Armuji also denied that he was blocking the execution process. He also briefly explained the problem to the bailiff.

"Earlier, the bailiff and I said that if (residents) want to move themselves, yes, there is no need to be too forced in ways like this so that their belongings are not damaged," he said again.

Please note, Ir. H. Armuji, MH is a politician born in Surabaya on June 8, 1965. Before serving as Deputy Mayor of Surabaya, he had served as a member of the Surabaya DPRD and Chairman of the Surabaya DPRD.

That's information regarding the chronology of AKBP Toni Bentak, Deputy Mayor of Surabaya. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.