BPKP Audit Dapen BUMN, Minister Of SOEs Targets September 18 To Be Completed

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir admitted that he had asked the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to audit BUMN pension funds (dappen). He said, the audit will be completed in September.

Erick admitted that he had reported initial indications of BUMN dapen to the Attorney General's Office. However, this indication cannot be processed by the Attorney General's Office. This is because the Ministry of SOEs, the Attorney General's Office and BPKP agreed to conduct a thorough audit.

"We also audit so that there is no slander. So the city also distinguishes between corrupt ones, which management must be improved. From the BPKP itself, we agreed that in the middle of September, September 18, it is hoped that it will be completed," he told reporters, written on Sunday, August 6.

Erick said the Ministry of SOEs would continue to coordinate with BPKP, the Attorney General's Office to BPK to complete the audit of BUMN dapen.

Furthermore, Erick also apologized because the audit process had not yet been completed, even though it was originally planned to be completed at the end of last July.

"So I apologize for a bit more than a month (resigning), but again if there is an audit from BPKP, it's better," he said.

"Because of the audit, BPKP has a lot of work, not only taking care of SOEs, and I also heard that there is a change from BPKP. This part, we also coordinate a lot because in the transition, government likes to happen like this," he continued.

Previously, Erick said that reflecting on the Jiwasraya, Asabri, and Taspen cases, BUMN pension funds must also be corrected so that they are free from the mafia and corruptors.

Furthermore, Erick emphasized that the rights and future of BUMN workers must be prioritized. The goal is that in old age when they are no longer working, they can enjoy their hard work.

"This employee is a retired SOE. This is even more important. Don't let the SOEs sell well, good profit, but in five, ten years when I leave everyone can't get pension funds. Retirement doesn't exist, it's a sin," he said when meeting at the Ministry of SOEs in Jakarta, written Tuesday, July 18.

Regarding which sectors are problematic and there are indications of corruption, Erick said the list would soon be announced. Erick stated that there were 65 percent of SOEs with problems. However, not all of them have been proven to be corrupt.

"It's not all corruption, there's also something wrong but not corruption. Maybe from a small part there is corruption, there we will encourage it, if it is corruption," he said.