JPO Iron Plates In Cengkareng Disappear Many Times, Witnesses See Perpetrators In Action At Three Mornings

The lack of supervision by the West Jakarta City Government for public facilities such as the People's Crossing Bridge (JPO) actually harms the road users. As happened at JPO Sahabat, Jalan Raya Daan Mogot, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta. The stepping iron plate for pedestrians is missing. This incident is not the first time.

At least, there are four sheets of JPO iron floors that are missing, allegedly stolen by thieves. According to Haikal, the shop owner, Friday morning his family saw a group of people taking away several pieces of JPO iron plates.

"There were several people who took some plates away at night around three o'clock (early-ed). I was told by angle (paman-ed) if someone took the plate away," he told reporters, Friday, August 4.

As a result of the loss of the floor of the iron plate, public access to cross the road through the JPO was blocked. Moreover, the West Jakarta Highways Sub-Department has also installed yellow lines and wood at the north entrance of the JPO, as well as on each side of the JPO iron floor that has been lost.

Meanwhile, Cengkareng Police officers have checked the crime scene (TKP) for the theft of iron plates. The police also installed a police line at the location.

For temporary handling, the Central Jakarta Highways Sub-Department made additional additions to the damaged JPO.

The incident of the theft of the JPO plate has occurred for 2 times. In the first incident, there were 2 pieces of JPO iron floor plates that were missing and currently there are 4 pieces of iron floor plates that are missing again.