10 Days Inaugurated, Minister Of Communication And Information Budi Focuses On 3 Regulations, Including Forms Of Personal Data Protection Institutions

JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi, who has only been inaugurated for 10 days, admitted that he will focus on completing three priority regulations until the end of his term of office in 2024.

"With the remaining 15 months of service, I pay great attention to completing some of these priority regulations," Budi said at an event in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 26, which was confiscated by Antara.

The regulations in question include the implementation of 5G network connectivity, ratification of the Issuance Rights Regulation, to the establishment of institutions for the Protection of Personal Data.

First, in terms of preparing 5G network implementation policies, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) focuses on providing support in the form of increasing policies including neutral technology, spectral transfer or spectral exchange, spectral refarming, spectral rental and spectral spectral spectral and spectral pooling, to class-licensed spectrum sharing.

Budi then continued, the second priority regulation that will be completed by the Ministry of Communication and Information until 2024 is related to the media industry, namely the Rights of Publishers or Publishers Rights.

There are several things that the Ministry of Communication and Information must emphasize to create a healthy media industry in the digital era, including ensuring that digital platform companies cooperate with press companies in the distribution and utilization of news, then ensuring the relationship between digital platform companies and balanced press companies so as to create quality journalism, as well as form committees.

The committee in question will be tasked with bridging and supervising the implementation of the Issuance Rights regulations, later the committee will report its performance to the Ministry of Communication and Information.

"This is an effort to create a fair playing field in order to support a healthy media ecosystem in the midst of the digital ecosystem," said Budi.

Finally, Budi is committed to accelerating the preparation of institutions to oversee the running of the Personal Data Protection Law (UU PDP).

The preparation of the institution will later be regulated in a Presidential Regulation concerning the Personal Data Protection Supervisory Agency, which is currently being accepted by the State Secretariat.

In addition, the Ministry of Communication and Information is also preparing a draft Government Regulation related to the PDP Law which includes the rights and obligations of data processors, the basis for processing, international cooperation, technical provisions for processing personal data, to sanctions in case of negligence in data processing.

Armed with the spirit of collaboration, he believes that the Ministry of Communication and Information together with parties related to this regulation can complete this task and support better the vision of accelerating national digital transformation.

"Digital transformation must be encouraged collaboratively, so that its benefits and benefits can be felt inclusively, empowering, and sustainably," he said.

As for today, the Deputy Minister of Villages of PDTT (Wamendes) and General Chair of Pro Jokowi (Projo) Budi Arie Setiadi were inaugurated by President Jokowi to become Minister of Communication and Information at the State Palace in Jakarta, on Monday, July 17.

Budi Arie replaces Johnny G Plate, who is involved in the alleged corruption case of the 4G base transceiver station (BTS) tower supply project and supporting infrastructure 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Bakti Kominfo in 2020-2022.