Police Must Investigate Intellectual Actor Behind Cambodian TIP Syndicate Selling Kidney Organs

JAKARTA - The police must be able to thoroughly investigate the practice of body organ trafficking involving international syndicates. The government must also be able to anticipate the prevention of crimes that are included in the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO).

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, appreciated the National Police for successfully dismantling the practice of trafficking in organs, especially the kidneys, which involved international networks. Polda Metro Jaya has named 12 suspects, including a police officer with the initials M alias D with the rank of Aipda because he was involved.

It is known that Aipda M was not part of the syndicate but helped the TIP suspect to eliminate his traces. Aipda M was arrested for obstructing the investigation.

The police also arrested an individual Immigration employee on duty at Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali, with the initials AH for abusing his authority. AH received a sum of money by helping with the management of the departure of the syndicates.

Meanwhile, 9 other suspects were victims of body organ trafficking practices which were later recruited by international networks, to return to search for prey in the country. And another person with the initials H is a link between the victim and the hospital where the transplant was carried out. Police are still hunting for other perpetrators.

The disclosure of this case minimizes the next victim. We also hope that the police can work professionally in investigating the members involved in this case, including individuals from the Immigration Department," said Puan, Friday, July 21.

Puan asked the Police to look for the brains behind the creation of the body organ trading syndicate. Puan also asked the police to investigate the possibility of other wet parties being seen in the case of trafficking organs to Cambodia.

This is a big risk practice. It must be investigated how syndicates have been safe to carry out their crimes. Moreover, syndicates are capturing people, so it must be known which efforts and parties can pass departures to their transactions," he said.

Based on information, currently 122 Indonesian citizens have registered kidney transplants in Cambodia through syndicates. Kidney trade transactions occur in hospitals under the auspices of the Cambodian government.

Puan also asked the Government to cooperate with Cambodia and other countries which are indicated to be the locations for the practice of trading in organs. Thus, the investigation of this case will be completed.

International cooperation with related countries is very important. Sharing information and cooperation with law enforcement agents from other countries can also help uncover organ trafficking syndicates more effectively," explained Puan.

Weak education about the dangers of body organ trafficking practices in Indonesia is considered to have been exploited by international syndicates because victims are lured by money. According to Puan, the Government must promote education and socialize about the dangers of this TIP crime.

There needs to be an effort to increase public awareness of the risks and consequences of the body's organ trade. Education on health and moral ethics must be improved to prevent people from being trapped in illegal practices like this," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Some people may be tempted to become illegal kidney donors because they face serious economic difficulties. They may feel pressured by urgent needs to earn money and consider kidney donation as a quick way to earn money," he said.

"This phenomenon is really very sad. The state must be able to be present to break the chain of crime triggered by economic problems," added Puan.