Not 100 Percent Connected, Ministry Of PUPR Says The Yogyakarta Pansela Is Not Yet A Favorite Route
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Assistant for National Road Implementers (PJN) DIY Wahyu Widiantoro revealed that the southern coast route (Pansela) has not become a favorite route such as the northern coastal route (Pantura).
According to Wahyu, this is due to several construction packages that have not been connected 100 percent.
"God willing, if it is connected, I am sure there will be many alternatives. Because yesterday's homecoming was also going through Pansela," Wahyu told the media quoted on Friday, June 7.
For now, he said, construction is still being carried out in stages but vehicles can be passed for passenger transport vehicles.
The current construction of the route is still ongoing, namely the construction of Jalan Tepus to Jerukwudel II which stretches for 10.92 km. The project has a contract value of Rp266 billion.
Then for package II, Wahyu continued, his party will build Jalan Baru Kretek until Girijati is still in the preparation stage and will stretch along 5.64 km with funds of Rp261 billion.
For the construction of package II, an auction has now been carried out and has been won by BUMN Karya.
When asked about the company that will build the route, he was reluctant to mention the company's name and was waiting to be announced by the Ministry of PUPR.
"If the contracting preparations have been won by BUMN Karya," Wahyu continued.
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Although it is not yet a favorite route for road users, he said, the Pansela route has a number of tourist attractions so that it becomes one of the advantages of this path.
"Maybe one of the advantages of Pansela, the traffic is not as crowded as Pantura. There are far more tourist attractions, especially beaches. The nature is better," concluded Wahyu.