DBON Must Be Flexible To Be Able To Boost The Achievements Of All Sports
JAKARTA - The implementation of the Great Design of National Sports (DBON) must be flexible, said Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo.
This is believed to be able to encourage achievements in all sports. In addition, DBON must also be a reference in national sports development.
"We know that this DBON is to advance achievement, but (its implementation) must be flexible and look at the dynamics and developments. We support and review together to refresh and modify so that DBON can encourage all sports," said the Menpora, as reported by Antara, Friday, June 30.
The Minister of Youth and Sports said that if sports that are not included in the DBON have the capacity and target in the world arena, the government will certainly pay attention and support.
"For non-DBON sports, if they have world-scale capacity and targets and qualify, the government will definitely pay special attention," said Dito.
"We from the Ministry of Youth and Sports also strongly agree with DBON so that there is a refresher, related to promotion, relegation, reward and punishment. But together with KOI, KONI, we formulate how this excellent DBON can be even better with the system," he added.
Previously, the General Chair of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI/NOC Indonesia) Raja Sapta Oktohari at the opening of the KOI Congress stated that as many as 36 national federations had participated in the 2023 SEA Games in Cambodia, only 36 percent of which were sports included in the DBON.
Meanwhile, 40 percent of non-DBON sports make history, 34 percent of non-DBON branches set new records, and 25 percent of non-DBON branches came out as overall champions at the biggest sporting event in Southeast Asia.
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The implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 86 of 2021 concerning DBON has been running for approximately two years.
DBON is a long-term sports development program 2021-2045 which includes educational sports, community sports, and achievement sports. One of the targets of DBON is that Indonesia is able to achieve the best achievements at the 2044 Olympics.
As mandated through Presidential Decree No. 86 of 2021, the implementation of DBON (2021-2045) is divided into five stages, and through a road map that has been prepared, it is hoped that the DBON targets can be realized.
In addition, it is hoped that the DBON program will be included in the RPJPN and RPJMN so that there is certainty of policies that support the implementation and sustainability of DBON.