The 2023 U-17 World Cup Becomes Indonesia's Proof Event, Credibility Must Be Maintained

JAKARTA The International Football Federation (FIFA) officially appointed Indonesia as the host of the 2023 U-17 World Cup. This is certainly a proving event. The bitter experience in the U-20 World Cup case must be a lesson so that Indonesia can be more prepared to hold international sports events.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has also instructed PSSI Chairman Erick Thohir to prepare the 2023 U-17 World Cup as well as possible, starting from the match venue to implementing management.

According to the President, this is a form of trust that FIFA has given Indonesia.

For stadiums, there are several places that can be an alternative. If Gelora Bung Karno cannot be used because it coincides with the Coldplay concert, the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) can be considered.

Stadiums that had been prepared for the U20 World Cup were also able to be prepared again, such as Gelora Sriwijaya Stadium, Palembang; Jalak Harupat, Bandung; Manahan, Solo; Gelora Bung Tomo, Surabaya; and Captain I Wayan Dipta Stadium, Bali.

"If the venue has been prepared since yesterday. We have fixed it, meaning that it is only used, but everything management must be prepared properly," Jokowi said in his statement to the media crew at Palmerah Market, Jakarta on June 26, 2023.

Erick Thohir also admitted that the stadium, which had been the venue for the U20 World Cup, could already be used. FIFA has also visited it directly. Even so, for JIS, there are still a number of repair records, especially parking areas and audience access.

The parking capacity at JIS is known to only accommodate 1,200 private vehicles and 76 buses. In contrast to the parking capacity at GBK which can reach more than 5 thousand vehicles. Access to locations using public transportation is also more difficult

"This affects the safety of the audience. Coming and returning from the stadium must be safe. In the near future, I will invite Pak Heru and the Minister of PUPR to check directly. We will report the results to FIFA," said Erick at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta on June 26, 2023.

National football observer Kesit Budi Handoyo also believes that there are no significant obstacles in terms of infrastructure. FIFA's appointment as the host of the 2023 U-17 World Cup certainly cannot be separated from Indonesia's mature readiness from that side.

FIFA has previously designated Peru as the host of the 2023 U-17 World Cup. However, Peru was unable to fulfill its commitment to complete the infrastructure until the specified time limit. Finally FIFA revoked the status and gave it to Indonesia.

"This means that FIFA believes that Indonesia's preparation in terms of infrastructure is actually ripe. Moreover, Indonesia recently successfully held a test match against Palestine and Argentina. Even before, if it weren't for the Israeli polemic, Indonesia had also hosted the U-20 World Cup," Kesit told VOI on June 26, 2023.

Meanwhile, in terms of management, organizers must anticipate a number of things. It is no longer about the Israeli polemic because the Israeli national team competing in the European zone has failed to qualify for the 2023 U-17 European Cup and will not be able to advance to the 2023 U-17 World Cup.

But it is more about the schedule for the U-17 World Cup which coincides with the 2024 election campaign schedule.

The U17 World Cup will be held from November 10 to December 2, 2023. Meanwhile, the 2024 election campaign schedule, according to the KPU report, will take place from November 28 to February 10, 2024.

The resistance may not be too big because this World Cup is a age group event. However, it must be anticipated. Security forces must be prepared to maintain things that are not expected," Kesit continued.

In addition, Kesit also hopes that the public will not have too high expectations for the Garuda Muda squad. Because, the appointment of Indonesia as the host of the U-17 World Cup was too sudden.

"Preparation is only 4 months. Facing World Cup events is certainly not enough, the results will not be optimal. Even though it must still be used as well as possible during this tight preparation. At least the Garuda Muda Squad can experience playing at the World Cup," said Kesit.

Erick Thohir also hopes that the 2023 U-17 World Cup in Indonesia will run smoothly and successfully.

"We want Indonesia's name to be fragrant again in the international world," he added.