Many Projects Stalled In Ancol, International Class Stadium Conflicts Are In The Spotlight
JAKARTA - Some time ago former President and Independent Commissioner of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Thomas Trikasih Lembong said a number of projects in the Ancol area had stalled due to the inability to manage assets. Such as the construction of a five-star hotel right next to Putri Duyung being abandoned.
In addition, the former Head of the Investment Coordinating Board mentioned the management of ABC Mall or Ancol Beach City, which is located in the Carnival Beach area of Ancol, to its poor quality development. The asset operations, which are managed by these two sharing entrepreneurs, were forced to stagnate due to internal conflicts.
"Even though this mall used to be prestige because it was the location for a concert of a number of international musicians. Then the fight between the two businessmen, finally stalled," said the man who had served as Minister of Trade some time ago to reporters.
In addition, there was also a dispute over Sea World Ancol's assets until it was tried at the Supreme Court (MA). The construction of this acrium is the result of Ancol's partnership with Lippo Group which initially went well and ended in a dispute. It was Ancol who won the trial at the Supreme Court.
"Ancol is not developing. Many projects failed, stalled, or had problems in Ancol," said Thomas.
Confirming related to the management of ABC Mall or Ancol Beach City located in the Carnival Beach area of Ancol, to its poor quality development, an entrepreneur named Hendra Lie (HL) said that everything changed when there was a chaos in cooperation in the operation of part of the Music Stadium building between PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PJA - BUMD DKI Jakarta) with PT WAIP and the company that oversees the management of the stadium. Conflict finally dragged big names such as former President Director of PT PJA Budi Karya Sumadi (BKS) and President Director of PT WAIP Fredie Tan (FT).
Even HL businessmen as owners of the company suffered almost IDR 300 billion due to this dispute. Most recently, the construction and management of Ancol Music Stadium at Ancol Beach City is suspected to have a strong indication of harming hundreds of billions of rupiah in state finances.
Regarding the tragedy that happened to him, this entrepreneur again spoke about how difficult it is to achieve justice in this country.
"At my age, I'm actually tired of seeking justice for what I'm experiencing. I only surrender to God's kindness. Investment of more than Rp. 300 billion seems to have just disappeared," he said when met by reporters in Jakarta, Monday, June 5.
He argues that the law in Indonesia is blunt upwards and only sharp downwards, especially investors like himself.
"For 13 years I have been a victim of crimes of two individuals who seem above the law. Even though one of them was once a suspect, but at SP3 by the Attorney General's Office during the Attorney General Prasetyo era. I now only hope that what I experienced will not happen to other investors," he said.
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The statement by HL businessmen was even almost proven when the President Commissioner and Independent of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Thomas Trikasih Lembong said that Ancol's internal politics was for personal or group interests, so a number of projects in the Ancol area stalled due to the inability to manage assets. One of them is the construction of Ancol Beach City (ABC) Mall which has poor quality.
Not only that, the Indonesian Ombudsman has also issued a letter of recommendation for maladministration related to the cooperation agreement between PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol and several parties. Namely related to the existence of state assets unilaterally, even though there is a state financial loss.
Unfortunately, the PJ Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono did not respond positively to the Ombudsman's findings.
"For that, I invite investors to learn from my experience. Don't overdo it and trust this regional-owned company. When we invest in their land and it happens with a dispute, they will easily wash their hands as if they never know of a dispute," he said.