Give Tanjak To Ganjar Pranowo, This Is Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin IV Prayer

The friendly smile of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin IV, Jaya Wikrama Fauwaz Dirajda was seen when welcoming the arrival of Ganjar Pranowo. The two of them sat next to each other while chatting familiarly while attending a gathering and cultural safari at Bumi Sriwijaya at the Jakabaring Palembang Dining Hall, Saturday, May 20.

Ganjar was present at the event during his visit to Palembang to consolidate the three pillars of the PDIP party. The PDIP presidential candidate was greeted with enthusiasm by thousands of members of the Sultanate of Palembang, scholars, community leaders, traditional leaders to millennials of South Sumatra who were present at that place.

Not only greeted enthusiastically, Ganjar Pranowo also received honor from the Sultan of Palembang Darussalam. Ganjar is worn by Rumpok, a typical Palembang dress. Rumpok is a woven songket cloth.

Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin IV accompanied by high-ranking officials from the Sultanate of Palembang also wore Tanjak on Ganjar's head. Tanjak is a typical Malay headband. "This is an honor for me. Thank you to the Sultan for giving Tanjak and this traditional dress to me," said Ganjar.

Ganjar said that he was indeed a hobby of collecting traditional clothes from various regions in Indonesia. That's because in Central Java, he makes regulations to wear traditional clothes every Thursday.

"Every Thursday, we always wear Javanese traditional clothes. And on Thursday fourth week, we oblige all ASN to wear traditional Nusantara clothes. So if you go to Central Java on Thursday fourth week, it's like a carnival. All traditional clothes from various regions in Indonesia are there," he said.

Meanwhile, Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin IV said that the granting of Rumpok and Tanjak to Ganjar was a form of respect for the residents of Palembang to every guest of honor who came.

"South Sumatra always receive guests who come because we respect them. Our society is quite pluralistic and pluralistic, where since the past until now everyone has come here, both ethnic Chinese, Javanese, Arabic, Malays, we always accept with pleasure," he said.

For this reason, he paid a similar tribute when Ganjar came to Bumi Sriwijaya. The figure of Ganjar continued, he was very special because many South Sumatra people were happy with Ganjar.

"Many South Sumatra residents are very happy with him, because he is a kind person, has a lot of good innovations when he becomes governor and a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives. Yes, I hope Mr. Ganjar Pranowo can become a great future leader," he said.