The Body Lacks Collagen? These 4 Things Can Be A Sign

JAKARTA - Kolagen is a natural protein that is abundant in the body and functions to maintain the health of various organs of our bodies. Collagen has important benefits in regeneration and, maintaining skin elasticity to stay healthy and hydrated.

However, as we increase over, the production of collagen in our bodies will decrease. Especially in women, the impact of the lack of collagen will be very visible from the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the facial skin. So that the skin and body conditions are maintained, here are some signs of the body's lack of collagen production.

One of your main signs of lack of collagen production is the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on your facial skin. The skin will lose its elasticity and make the skin look wrinkled and dull.

Collagen binds muscles to ligament and bones. Lack of collagen production can cause weakening collagen fiber and muscle connections that cause joint pain.

Collagen has an important role in the formation of ikat tissue in the skin. A shortage of collagen will cause fat tissue under the skin to be pushed upward to fight against ikat tissue so that there is rutility in the skin.

Low levels of collagen in the body can make hair deficient so that hair roots become fragile. This causes body growth to slow down and hair thickness and texture will decrease.