The Last ASEAN Summit Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono As President Of The Republic Of Indonesia

JAKARTA - There is nothing to deny the privilege of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), especially since the Indonesian president has confidence that ASEAN has a big role in the solidarity of the Southeast Asian nation.

This privilege made SBY not want to miss every ASEAN celebration. He is often present at the holding of the ASEAN Summit (KTT). However, the 24th ASEAN Summit in Naypyidaw, Myanmar is the most special for SBY. The celebration was recorded as the last ASEAN Summit he attended as President of the Republic of Indonesia.

No country in the modern era is able to live independently individually. Everything must need support from other countries to exist. Indonesia, especially. Foreign political studies have been played by the nation's leaders since Indonesia's independence.

It is foreign politics that is able to perpetuate Indonesia's existence. All of this is because Indonesia is able to act flexibly. Indonesia can be close to anyone. Sometimes leaning towards the eastern block. Sometimes it also leans towards the western block.

All of this was done in order to perpetuate Indonesia's interests. From friendly matters to cooperation. However, the friendship that Indonesia perpetuates is not only to countries on the European or American continent. Neighboring countries or those included in Southeast Asia are also embraced.

Indonesia's activeness in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is proof. Andil ASEAN is fully supported by Indonesia. During the reign of President SBY, especially since the number one person in Indonesia believes that the economic development of Southeast Asian countries can be achieved because of the presence of ASEAN.

No one doubts that. Therefore, SBY often supports the existence of ASEAN. He even wants ASEAN not only to win names but also to help solve all crucial problems of all Southeast Asian people.

The effort to optimize ASEAN's own performance has been widely stated by experts and practitioners. For example, Rodolfo C. Severino, Secretary General of ASEAN for the 1998-2002 period, seeks to prioritize strengthening ASEAN Secretariat, fostering community feelings, and adopting and internalizing values and norms that must be worked on in the same phase.

"Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa during the second government, President SBY, explained that ASEAN relevance can be maintained by exploiting the unity of ASEAN member countries in strategic issues, providing examples of elaborating good relations regardless of differences between member countries, sparking ideas that are transformative and prioritizing an inclusive approach to society," said Lidya C. Sinaga and Khanisa in the book Indonesian Foreign Political Portraits in the Reformation Era (2020).

SBY's support for ASEAN continues to be given. Saban ASEAN perpetuates the celebration, SBY is often present. At the ASEAN Summit, for example. SBY always tries to attend. SBY's presence is proof of Indonesia's commitment to support the ongoing cooperation between ASEAN member countries.

This scene occurred at the implementation of the 24th ASEAN Summit (24th ASEAN Summit) which took place in Myanmar from 10 to 11 May 2014. SBY's arrival also attracted attention. Moreover, the celebration was SBY's last time as President of Indonesia.

SBY also gave his speech on the last day of the ASEAN Summit on May 11, 2014. He hopes that many ASEAN can create a political and security community. All of this is so that ASEAN can play an active role in resolving various conflicts that occur in member countries.

In his speech, SBY underlined the need for the establishment of the ASEAN Political and Security Community to face security threats in the region. We (ASEAN) will be able to produce a common stance to maintain peace and answer the challenges of security and politics in line with international law without military action.

According to SBY, through the ASEAN Political and Security Community, the potential for conflict such as the South China Sea can be resolved better. ASEAN, he said, could also contribute positively to solving other security challenges, such as the East Asian dispute involving China and Japan and the conflict between Korea," wrote a Tempo newspaper report entitled ASEAN Agrees on the Declaration of Naypyidaw (2014).