Securing 6 Maluku Endemic Birds, Riau BBKSDA Releases To Original Habitat

RIAU - The Riau Province Conservation and Natural Resources Center (BBKSDA) returned six Maluku endemic birds of cocoa to their natural habitat.

Head of BB KSDA Riau, Genman Hasibuan said the first five cockatoos came from the law enforcement process which already had permanent legal force. While the other comes from voluntary submission of the community after obtaining awareness from officers.

"The yellow-crested chief is a voluntary surrender by the public whose officers have been aware that this is a protected animal," said Genman in Pekanbaru, Riau, Thursday, May 11, which was confiscated by Antara.

He detailed that the five Maluku cockatoos (Cacatua Molucensis) and one yellow-crested cockatoo (Cacatua Sulphurea) were released.

Before the release to its natural habitat, the type of cockatoa will be treated and rehabilitated. This was done in the Bengkok Middle-aged Firehouse under the Maluku KSDA BB Authority.

He added that the Maluku endemic bird collection process was carried out thanks to the cooperation of those who care about the preservation of wild species and the environment.

These include the Dumai District Attorney, the Dumai Water and Air Police, the Dumai Resort Police, the Arsari Djojohadikusumo Foundation, the Agricultural Quarantine Center and the Riau Province Livestock Service.

"The hope is that in the future the type of Kakatua will be able to breed in its natural habitat so that it is guaranteed to be preserved," he said.

Head of the General Crimes Section of the Dumai Kejari, Iwan Roy Charles on the occasion also explained that five of them were the result of their arrests in 2021. This case was then inkracht in January 2022 with the punishment of two perpetrators.

"Two perpetrators were sentenced to one year in prison. Then this bird evidence was handed over to the Riau BBKSDA," he concluded.